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"Hey, someone pass me the pack" I said, looking around the car for whoever had it. I couldn't sit in the back of this truck and watch as Audrey and Neil get all cuddly right next to me. We were taking our quads and dirtbikes out to the sand dunes, but since we only had a small truck that fit only 2 people, and the other truck was taken up by all of our stuff with one person in that one, the other five of us were left to sit in the cargo bed. Dallon finally threw me the box from which I withdrew a cigarette from, and gave him the rest back.

"So what happens if Jess crashes her car with all our stuff in it?" Dallon tried to joke, knowing I was tense from watching Audrey and Neil hold hands and mess around together.

"I'll beat her ass, I brought my 2 stroke down here." Spencer laughed. I nodded, seeing as I brought my best bike out too.

We came to a stop, and all jumped out of the trunk and onto the sand. "Come on guys, let's ride!" Neil yelled. We hopped onto our bikes and rode off. Most of us went in separate directions and some went together through the desert, just making our own trails and doing different things.


Suddenly, I came to a stop. Down the sand hill, was Audrey sitting without a bike or quad. "Audrey, what are you doing down here? Where's Neil?" I asked, remembering that they rode together on the same quad. "I don't know" She said, looking up at me. I got lost in her eyes the second they were facing me, so I looked away to stay focused on what happened. "What do you mean? You guys rode out here together."

"I know but Dylan came down and they wanted to race. Neil said I was too much weight on the quad or something." When she said that I started to notice all of the tracks that went off in the other direction. "Is he coming back for you?" I asked. You could hear the anger in my voice. Why the hell would he just leave her here? He was a total dick, and I'm going to have to have a talk with him when I see him next.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's coming" She nodded, but when we fell to silence you couldn't hear any signs of motors in the distance. He probably forgot where she was. "Come on, get on the bike with me." I offered, throwing my leg over the side of the bike. She followed behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, sending shivers down my spine when she touched me. I started the engine and we headed back to where our cars were.

We arrived, with us, Jess, and Rylee being the only ones here. I didn't actually like Rylee all that much; she never really talked, but when she did, she was a little brat who annoyed the shit out of everyone. It's not like I hated  her, but I wouldn't mind if she were to leave our group ."Where is everyone else?" Audrey asked from behind me.

"Two over there" Rylee said, pointing at the two quads who were coming towards us.
When they reached our general area, Neil jumped off his quad and came straight towards me.

"Hey man! I thought we were friends?!" He spat, with flames in his eyes. "Wha-"

"Why the hell would you take Audrey back here on your  bike? I was going to come and get her! Did you not trust me to?" He began to raise his voice.

"No man, she just didn't want to sit out there anymore. I knew you were coming back." I knew he wasn't going to come back.

He rolled his eyes and took Audrey by the arm, walking in the opposite direction. "Thanks for the ride" she whispered and continued to be pulled away by her controller.

Dallon and Spencer pulled up and jumped off with huge smiles on their faces, obviously not knowing what just happened. "Maybe we should get going" Jess said, walking back to one of the trucks. "I'm riding with you" I called out to her, watching as Neil lectured Audrey about something near the other car, but it was still too far to know what they were talking about. I opened the car door and hopped in next to Jess.

"You need to spill some things."

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