Chapter 7

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Me and Ryan finished up and fell asleep holding each other. When we woke up he went to his room and got dressed. I got up and slid my leather jumpsuit on. I put my combat boots on and grabbed my ear piece. I slipped it in my ear. I got my gun and slipped it on my side. I slid my daggers in  boots. I walked downstairs after pulling my hair up. The boys were waiting for me. They were all staring at me. "Stop staring and get in the van," I said. They ran out embarrassed. Jason and Ryan didn't. We are going to riding together. Me, Jason, and Ryan. This should be fun, note sarcasm. We got in the van and drove to the address that Ryan gave us. We parked about a mile away. When we got out I went to the back with my part. "On the count of three bust in Jason, 1,2,3 go. We bust in. I pulled my gun. Shot 4 guards. I walked into the basement and saw someone I never thought I would again. " N-evaeh? " "Win-Win" she asked. "Yes sweetheart, I thought you were dead, come on," I picked her and said," Jason Nay is alive," I said. "Come out the front." He said. I walked out to the car and everyone was here. They had already placed the bomb. "Get down," I said. Everyone ducked. The bomb went off. After it went off I put Nay in the car. Nay said," is J-J here?" "Yes Nay he is," I said. "Jason," I said. "Yes Win," he asked. "Nay is right here," I said. He looked down and he had huge smile on his. "Hey, little sis," he said. "They didn't kill you they kidnapped you," he said. "I'm sorry we gave up on you." "It's OK J-J," Nay said. "I love you sis, but your 14 you need to stop calling us those Nick names," Jason said. Nay returned with a simple," nope." "I am glad Jake wasn't there he's my boyfriend and he's very nice unlike the other people you killed." Nay said. "J-J will you let him in the gang?" "Yes, and Nay Win is the leader to and do you want to be the third leader?" He asked. "Yes J I do, do you want me to call Jake and tell him to come over?" She asked. "Yes," me and Jason said in Usion. "Yay," she sqealed. "Looks like we are having another party?" I asked. "Yup," he said. Popping out the p. "Yay party" I said.

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