Chapter 1: His New Toy

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At a Bar in Swaldani City:

Hisoka and Illumi met to exchange information about their new mission. The mission involved a lot of nen users and killing the target directly is out of the question. The target has hired a nen user to place a seal on him that will kill him if Manipulation Nen is used on him. The target was smart and was not afraid to die. This was Ellika's specialization, it was unfortunate their mother had other plans for her.

"Say, Illu-nii, can I tag along this time?" A silver haired girl said with a pout. The two men looked at the newcomer. One studying her unblinking and one scaling her abilities with an excited smirk.

"Ellika, why are you here?" Illumi asked used to his sister's sudden appearances. "How did you know where I was?"

The girl shrugged about to sip on a glass of vodka that she apparently ordered. Out of nowhere a needle shattered the glass she was holding. "I bullied Milluki to help me trace your whereabouts."

The girl frowned at her older brother. "That's rude nii-san. I'm old enough to drink when I want." She then looked at the red-haired man who looked like a jester. She assessed the man with calculating eyes, a mischievous smile not leaving her lips.

'He's strong, so is his bloodlust. He interests me.' Ellika thought to herself. She watched the man assess her and take in her appearance, as his smirk turned wider.

"Hello" Ellika said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Illumi raised his brow. It seems his friend had caught his younger sister's attention enough for her to actually acknowledge his presence.

"Hello, my lady~" The man purred

"I'm Ellika, you are?" The girl asked liking the man's personality more.

"Hisoka" The man purred as he licked his lips. 'It seems I found a new toy. 94' Hisoka thought as he licked his lips. The girl intrigued him but he knew that messing with her would mean the retaliation of the Zoldyck family which would be complicated for him. Maybe he can keep her around as a friend like Illumi, she'll prove useful in the future.

"Pleasure to meet you~" Ellika purred which caused the man to smirk at her.

"Elli, I believe Mother had arranged a marriage meeting for you that's why you were not assigned to this mission even if it was more of your forte." Illumi said looking at her sister's attire. He knew how his sister hated the dresses their mother made her wear, but here she was wearing a red gothic Lolita dress.

The girl tilted her head making it look like a genuine look of curiosity and confusion but the two men knew not to be fooled. "So that what that was." She said tapping her finger on her lips as she took out her phone.

"Giancarlo Miltruis, 22, Heir to the Miltruis Weaponry and Research Group, A group specializing on biochemical weapons, meetup at the Hotel Beaticle, Yorknew City. Time of meet-up 7:00pm, March 5." She read out loud and turned to her brother. "Oops. I thought I was supposed to kill him. Good thing I didn't head there or that would've been unfortunate."

"Mother will probably call you any minute now." Illumi said not buying her excuse. Ellika blinked as her phone rang. She raised her finger as a signal to excuse her.

"Hello, Mother." Ellika answered with fake cheer. Illumi and Hisoka watched her with interest.

"Why are you not in Yorknew City?!" Kikyo yelled to the phone loud enough for the two men to hear. They saw Ellika smirk showing that she was not as clueless as she pretended to be.

"Mother, I would rather train and go on missions than be distracted by such trivial things." She said knowing full well that it would please her mother that she showed her devotion as a Zoldyck assassin more. Kikyo went silent, she smirked. Check.

"Oh~ I didn't think of that. I'm so proud that my daughter grew up better than I've expected her to be~" Illumi raised his brow at Ellika who stuck her tongue out at him.

"I'm so happy that I pleased you, Mother." Ellika said with a dramatic sigh. "I just want you and Papa to be proud."

Hisoka was amused at how manipulative and cunning the girl was. He definitely should keep her around.

"I'm so happy. Is there anything that you want for your reward, Ellika dear? You've made Mama so happy." Kikyo cooed at Ellika who smirked and mouthed: 'Checkmate'

"I was wondering if I can help Illu-nii with his new mission. It would help me learn more from Illu-nii and be stronger." She asked in a hopeful tone while she smirked at her mildly annoyed big brother.

"Of course! I'll tell your Father immediately." Kikyo said excited at how her daughter was showing great interest in their family business.

"Thank you, Mama! I'll be good and I'll try to not get in Illu-nii's way. Tell Kil, I'll be home next week." She said with fake gratitude. Illumi knew that even if their mother didn't allow her to she'd found another way to get what she wanted. Ellika was very manipulative and spoiled as he put it. "Bye. Kisses."

Ellika turned to her brother and Hisoka with a mischievous smile. Hisoka smirked at the girl as he sipped his drink.

"If you're going to assist me, you should be updated on the details of the mission." Illumi said as he stared at his younger sister tiredly. He was partially at fault for how spoiled his sister was. He was protective of Ellika more than he cared to admit. He would indulge Ellika of her wishes when they were younger, the result was a spoiled rotten manipulative silver-tongued younger sister. The pro was that he had a strong and highly intelligent assassin loyal to him so he tolerated his sister' attitude.

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