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I'm being tagged by @APH_Switzerland (won't let me tag you..) and Rii said that if I didn't do this, she'll burn my tomato farm and books down and other shit.. that bitch..

Here it is then..

>Favourite show?

Not watching television all the damn time so I don't have.. besides, they are all shits.

>Gold or Silver?


>Pokemon or Digimon?


>Favorite Manga? (Not anime!)

I'm not hanging around with Japan a lot so nope.

>Drawing or Writing?

Drawing I guess..

>How many posters are hanging in your wall?

*blushes* THERE'S NOTHING.

>What's inside your pencil case? (list everything inside hehe)

Are you freaking serious?! No. I'm too fucking lazy to do that.

>Favorite song?

There's a lot. I'll just list down a few..

1) Enchanted by Taylor Swift (don't judge..)
2) La Da Dee by Cody Simpson
3) Lonely Lullaby by Owl City
4) Silhouette by Owl City
5) Breakeven by The Script
6) Heaven Knows by Five for Fighting
7) I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
8) Mine by Taylor Swift (don't judge again..)
9) Sparks Fly (just don't..)
10) The Other Side of the Door by Taylor Swift (Chigi!!)

Yeah, that's just a few for me.

>Last words before you die?

Take care of my goddamned tomatoes and books.

>Summer or Winter?

Hm.. Summer I guess?

>Axis Powers or Allied Forces? (Hetalia)

Uhh.. should I really answer that..?

>Character you want to murder?


>Famous person you want to meet?


I tag the first thirteen fucking people who will see this.

Lovino's JournalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz