16- Fan of a fan

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You get startled as you walk though the doors of comicon into your screaming fans.

You smile, trying to get your way through.

As you do, a female voice shouts "Omg, its jacksepticeye!!!"

You turn around, being a fan yourself, and try to spot him over the crowds.

You see him, getting attack, (not literally), by maybe 200 000 people.

You grab your phone and text someone and push your way through to the back of comicon.

You wait in a corner waiting for him to arrive.

Then you see him.

"Sorry, fans. Missed you!" Jack says, hugging me and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Jack, its been 5 hours." You giggle.

"Five hours too long." He winks, taking your hand. (Again, not literally)

"You know I'll always be a fan of you." You say, walking besides him.

"And I'll be a fan of a fan." He smirks, taking you into the crowd of people.

Jacksepticeye Imagines (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now