The Right Time

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Magnus POV:

**This chapter will get a bit steamy if you know what I mean ;), You have been warned XD**

The nurse thankfully manged to talk Arram into letting Maddie and I to continue to stay with Alec and his family until the baby was born and while she's on bed rest however Social services were still making plans for us and the baby after the birth. I just hope they don't separate Maddie and I or move me too far away from Alexander but unfortunately, I have to go along with what Social services decide.

"You're stressing again" Came a voice from the doorway of my room and I looked up to see Alec looking at me "You really need to try relax a bit, the baby isn't even born yet so you have nothing to worry about".

"It won't be long till he's born though" I mumbled, laying back on the bed "And then what happens? Maddie and I could be separated or Maddie and her baby could be separated or I may be moved far away from you".

"Magnus, stop talking a second" Alec exclaimed, interrupting my nervous rumbling "You unfortunately have no say in what social services decide to do with you and Maddie so there's no use in worrying about it".

"But what would happen to us if I got moved away?" I asked, sitting up and meeting Alec's eyes "We both know long distance relationships don't work and I really don't want to lose you".

"You won't lose me, Magnus" Alec told me, coming to sit next to me and taking my hands in his "I love you and I won't let distance get in between us, no matter how hard it gets; I'll always fight to be with you Magnus".

"I love you to, babe" I smiled and Alec smiled back at me before leaning down and kissing me gently, I deepened the kiss and pulled him on top of me so that we were laying on the bed together.

"Someone could come in any moment" Alec panted as I kissed his neck, I stopped and gave him a look "At least let me close the door" I rolled my eyes but got off him so that he could get up and shut the door. As soon as the door was closed I pulled him back to the bed and we started kissing again, gently but passionately.

**Smut Warning**

"You have no idea what you do to me" I moaned as I felt mine and Alec's groins rub together, Alec smirked but I could tell that he was holding in a moan as well so I grinded our groins together again and I hear Alec let out a breathless moan. We started kissing again and Alec started clawing at my shirt. In no time, both our shirts were off.

"You are evil" Alec complained, panting and I just laughed "These skinny jeans you made me wear today isn't helping either! Damn pants are just pressing on my boner".

"So take them off" I whispered seductively in his ear "I'll try behave myself, I promise" Alec moaned and started placing gentle kisses on his neck again before Alec pushed me back down onto the bed and started kissing me again.

"We keep going like this and you may just have to" Alec moaned, I started palming him though his jeans and Alec closed his eyes in content while still moaning loudly.

"You like that huh?" I smirked and Alec just gave me a lustful look before launching forward and kissing me again passionately, I felt his hand slowly creeping forward till it was sitting on my belt buckle and I quickly moved it and sat up "Alexander, stop".

"What?" Alec asked uncertainly, a bright blush gracing his checks "I th-thought yo-you wan-wanted tha-that".

"You mean sex?" I asked and Alec nodded uncertainly "God dammit Alec! We already talked about this, I would love to sleep with you but when the time is right and when you're ready".

"But yo-you" Alec stuttered before looking away awkwardly.

"Alexander, I'm sorry If I gave you mixed signals and I know I went too far" I said sincerely, making Alec look at me "I always get too flirty but honestly, I want to wait till you are ready. Sleeping with someone for the first time is a huge step and I don't want to rush you".

"You're not rushing me, Magnus" Alec told me gently,taking my hands in his "I know it's a huge step and I wasn't ready before but I think I am now".

"Are you sure?" I asked seriously "Because if you're not, I completely understand" Alec put a finger on my lips, stopping my rumbling and leaned into to kiss me.

"Stop worrying, Magnus" Alec whispered, just millimeters from my lips "You're not rushing me, trust me. This is my choice, I'm ready".

"If you're sure" I smiled and Alec nodded smiling back at me. We both leaned in to kiss again but before we could, the door burst open.

**Smut Over**

"Magnus your social worker is here and he" Izzy blurted out, only pausing when she saw Alec and I "Oh, did I interrupt something?" I glanced at Alec who was glaring at his sister, a heavy blush on his checks.

"What the fuck do you think?" Alec snapped "When the door is closed, you fucking knock" Izzy put her arms up in surrender and I an arm around Alec's shoulder.

"Honey, clam down" I said gently, Alec looked at me for a second before the angry expression in his eyes softened and he let out a sigh "Now what is this about my social worker?" Izzy was about to reply but a voice bet her to it.

"I wanted to talk to you, Magnus" Arram answered, coming to stand next to Izzy in the door way "But it appears that you're currently busy".

"Is it important?" I snapped back and Arram shrugged before nodding his head a second later "Make up your fucking mind, Arram. You're the last person I want to talk to right now".

"I understand that but I ask for you to hear me out, Magnus" Arram smiled grimly "You may like what you hear".

"Fine" I sighed "Let's get this over and done with" I regrettably left Alec's warm touch and followed Arram to have a talk that I was already dreading.


Authors Note;

One chapter to go!

Please vote, comment ect.. And I'll update again soon.



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