Chris: and your just as sassy (5:07 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: *You're (5:07 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: And YOU'RE just as grammatically correct in text as you are in person. (5:09 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Grammar is always important. I am keeping you from your work. I am sorry. (5:10 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Sorry about the crowd this afternoon. I know you're working, but I just wanted you to know. I didn't think that through. (6:10 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: No apology needed, not your fault. (8:01 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: R you on your official lunch break now? (8:03 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Yes. 30 minutes to actually sit. (8:03 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: I bet it makes you miss teaching. Sitting in a rocking chair reading to kids. (8:04 pm, Oct. 28)

Chelsea Garcia: You've watched to many teacher movies. I sat at a horseshoe table with groups of kids, in a child chair,and on the floor randomly. My lunch was shorter as a teacher. (8:05 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: *Too (8:05 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: HA! That's what I get. (8:05 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: I bet you were a great teacher. (8:07 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: You've never seen me teach, I could've been hateful. (8:07 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: I doubt it what kind of hateful teacher risks her life for the lives of her students. (8:08 pm, Oct. 28)

Chelsea Garcia: I never told you I risked my life for them. (8:10 pm, Oct. 28)

Chris: I may or may not have googled you. (8:11 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Ha! That makes me feel less creepy about googling you. (8:12 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Is it true that you saved that kid's life? I think his name was Noel. (8:12 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Not Noel. Sam was saved, by the EMT. Is it true you broke up a marriage? (8:13 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Sorry, that was rough. I think we should agree to not discuss things we have read about eachother on the internet. Deal? (8:13 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Deal. (8:14 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: I'm sorry. I have a lot more sass and confidence in text, I shouldn't have said that. (8:15 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Apology accepted. Don't worry about. (8:17 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Are you off work? (11:01 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Yes sir. On my way to the bus. (11:05 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Should've offered you a ride. (11:05 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: Aside from how ridiculous that is, bc I am assuming you live no where near Anaheim, you would take away my fabulous people watching time. (11:06 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Right. Then please let me know when you are on the bus and keep me posted on the people you watch. (11:06 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: On bus. Fabulous couple in the back, I think they want to make a baby. I'm sitting in the front. (11:10 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: lol and lewd at the same time. Thank you for sharing that. (11:12 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: How long is your bus ride home? (11:12 pm, Oct 28)

Chelsea Garcia: A little over one hour at this time of day, I change buses. (11:12 pm, Oct 28)

Chris: Holy... I censored myself for you. You should get a car. (11:14 pm, Oct 28)

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