9 Months Later

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"Jason...wake up, take me to the hospital please my water just broke" I screamed in pain.

Jason picked me up and rushed me to the hospital. As soon as we got there I was put in the delivery room. It took about 2 hours of pain and suffering until we met our baby girl Amberly.

"Hey baby girl I'm your Daddy, gosh she's so beautiful she looks like you babe." Jason said holding her hand. I smiled and kissed Amberly on the head.

The next day my mom and dad and everyone came up to see the baby. "when was she born. What time. What's her name. How much did she weigh." I herd people ask me.

"Her name is Amberly Ann Peters, she was bored June 21 2016 at 3:30 a.m, she weighed 5.3oz." I told them and I let everyone hold her.

While I rested Jason was taking care of Amberly and all of the people. When everyone left I finally had the chance to shower and freshen up.

When I came out Jason was holding Amberly and both of them were sleeping so I took a picture and went to sleep too.
That night I woke up 500,000 times. Not really but it felt like it. I felt bad for Jason because the baby was up all night crying but he knew what he was getting in to.

It was the day we got to take Amberly home and boy were we ready. Jason helped me get all the stuff packed up and put away.

When we finally got home the dogs wanted to see what we brought home. I set the car seat on the ground and let them smell her very gently.

"Where do you want these Aims" Jason asked me while I was rocking the baby. "anywheres fine just come rest and say hi to our daughter" I looked at Jason smiling.

That night was the first night back home with the baby. I barely got any sleep but the sleep I did get was amazing.

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