Part 62

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We walk with our heads low through the halls of hell.
Smashing into walls we were pushed into by the demons.
The out bursts of humiliation with the names we got called that threw knives into us,
Splitting apart our skin and watching every name they called us,
Bleed out of us, and onto the floor.
Slipping on feelings we never wanted to feel and crashing into the
weight of the world.
Anxiety pulsing through your veins,
In hope you won't be triggered today,
And find yourself crying yourself to
Sleep again for the millionth time.
Having to choke them back as much
as you can because you don't
Want them to see you.
Don't want them to hear you.
But see we've all broken so many times and now we just have
Ridges for ribs that creates a catacomb of shattered pieces where
Your heart use to be.
So you thought it could never be fixed.
To never trust anyone who talked to you,
Who made you feel happy because you were so scared they would leave you or that something would happy that would keep destroying your happiness until that light bulb
Burned out.

Loud Pøetry Spilled From The Quiet SoulOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant