part 32

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Tonight I almost took my life.
I played the cords almost right.
It took one person to show me again how it is to live again.
But my breathe and heart have only began to stop beating for this may be our last meeting.
Next time I'll play them right. Playing every Note with tears and fright.
I haven't eaten at all.
What's there to help at all.
I'm truly a failure and cant be saved.
I will forver be locked in this cage.
Until I become that certain age
I'll be.let out and consumed by darkness at you'll find me alone in the casket made of my demons who
Have carried me to the grave and
Threw dirt on my face.
Don't say your goodbyes and don't shead a tear of light for it would
Only be lost in the abyss of pain.
Cuts will shurly regain turning into scars and I'll never be able to get past
The cars for I will stand in the middle of the street and you can watch me bleed.

Loud Pøetry Spilled From The Quiet SoulWhere stories live. Discover now