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They say the quietest girl has the brightest smile.
They say that the most happiest girl
Is the most depressed.
They say the most outgoing person
Is truly lonley.
In a room filled with people do you ever really look around and notice anything? Like truly looking?
Do you notice the difference between
When they are present or gone?
Would you see the pain in there eyes
Or the lies hidden behind there smile?
Would you notice when they are sad
But they act alright?
When they say that they are fine
Do you over think it for one moment?
No of course not.
You just stand by and watch as they drop like flies.
Coming in and out of your lives but you never see them try.
That they hold back before they break and begin to cry.
Pulling down there long sleeves to hide every memory the scars leave.
To show no mercy when there
Heart is at stake...
Will you take them by the hand and
Roll up there sleeve just to prove
That you care
That you do worry
And kiss there scars
Proving that they can be loved.

Loud Pøetry Spilled From The Quiet SoulWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu