Tides Over

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Bill had only been here a week. A week and he was sure something wasn't right about this town. Especially the forest; once in a while he'd look out a window or start to examine his surroundings until he saw something weird. But when he'd blink in surprise- he'd miss it. Bill wished he hadn't been so startled every time, you'd figure he'd be used to it by now. But nope! Let's keep all the interesting stuff out of this one kid's reach! Thanks, universe!

Seriously, he just wanted to see something weird- it didn't even have to be a mythical creature! (Although that would be cool.)

As for Will and his friends this week.. Well, Kryptos was invited over to their house by Will (Bill was starting to realise that, for some reason, he found Kryptos seriously annoying) and they all ended up playing Super Smash Bros. Featuring a lot of cheating.

Pyronica would be a confusing mix of okay and terrible. She'd dub Will as 'Tolerable' and Bill as 'Weirdo'. She was seriously confusing.

Bodyguard guy seemed to enjoy Will's company, sometimes offering him (And occasionally Bill) piggyback rides. He'd also protect them as well as the others.

Teeth and Bill got along kind of well, booth willing to talk about stuff that other people would consider queasy. Although the more Bill hanged out with him the more he realised Teeth was kinda incompetent.

Will would mostly stay to himself, not one to talk much unless it was with family.

Speaking of family, their mom had dragged them over to the lake. Where all three of them had to go ride on a boat.

"It's for some family fun time, kids! Besides, Will needs more sun." Their mother had aid to them. At the sun comment Bill gave his brother a shit-eating smile. To which Will replied with an eye roll.

Their mom had noticed, giving each a stern look, "Now, now, I want you two to behave yourselves."

"Don't worry mom, I'll be on my best behavior." Bill smirked childishly.

"Especially you, William." Their mother scolded.

The trip there, of course was a pain to Will- who had severe motion sickness. Partly why he preferred walking everywhere rather than going by car. But the lake was too far to walk to it-so he was given a plastic bag just in case he may puke.

Bill didn't have it, though from the way his brother complained it must've been terrible. He sorry of wished he could do something to comfort Will. Though he wasn't sure if comforting someone with motion sickness would work.

Will looked somewhat relieved as the pulled over near the lake, when he got out he still looked rather sick. Since the feeling hadn't worn of yet.

Bill looked around, not very many people were currently there. He saw a few townsfolk he didn't recognize. None of his friends, though. He wasn't surprised, none of them seemed like the type to go boating. Or fishing.

Hey, no problem. Besides, that doesn't mean it won't be somewhat fun, right? He's got his brother with him, who isn't as much of a killjoy as their dad. And their mom, who absolutely adored making anything seemingly normal interesting.

"Alright, so what do you say we do, boys? Ride on a paddle boat together or ride separately?" Their mom smiled softly down at them.

"Separately!" Bill squealed at the same time as Will said, "Together."

Their mom chuckled, "Well, I suppose I could ride with Will on our boat while you can get your own, Bill."

Bill smiled genuinely and jumped up and down.


Paddle boats were cool, Bill decided. It was really what it sounded like- boats with no motor, however they did have pedals that you had to rotate with your feet to make it move forwards. Like bikes, only on water. Water bikes. There was an object in front of him that he had to use to steer. He didn't know what it was called, but he did know that it was more suited to a boat than a car, or any kind of transportation on land.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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