The Invitation

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                         (Jamie's point of view)

i woke to an alarm beeping i thought to my self " i didn't know lexy had an alarm?" i looked at the phones in the night stand and lexy's phone had an alarm on i looked at lexy she was still asleep so i jumped on her and she screamed she looked at me and pushed me to the floor i started laughing she looked at me sitting in the floor "what time is it" she asked "7:5" i said " ok we still have 45 min lets get changing" she said i got up and took a shower first then i got out and lexy went in i started changing when i got a text from Jacob i opened it
Jacob:hey I'm sorry about yesterday i really hope you can forgive me and i actually do really like you
me: so you just want me to forgive you just like that did you not like me because im im darker than you?
Jacob : no I'm really sorry and i was thinking if you wanted to be my girlfriend
me: sure but if you do something bad again im breaking up with you got it?
Jacob: ok so ill see you at school?
lexy got out of the shower and started doing her hair she cleaned her face and started changing "wait you don't wear makeup?!?" i told her "no?" she said " you at least have to try some eyeliner and mascara and blush and lipstick" i told her " wow hold up ill only wear eyeliner ok?" she told me " fine" i said excitedly i started putting eyeliner on her and i put a little bit of lipstick on her i dont think she liked it but oh well i did i finished and i looked at her she looked really pretty especially with her light skin color she checked her her self and she liked it then we got in her car and left to school.

(lexy's point of view)

i got in the car and started the car we drove to school singing to selena gomez kill them with kindness when we arrived everyone started checking me and jamie out but i really didn't care I'm not all about that life while jamie started waving at people i just rolled my eyes " so i have a boyfriend now so plz don't judge " jamie told me " let me guess its the guy named jacob" i asked her " how did you know and yeah it is" she told me as we walked in the school "well yall were like passing notes or something yesterday and started smiling so i was guessing that you liked him" i told her she just looked at me in shock i was used to it we went to homeroom and this girl was passing out cards or invitations to something i don't know what but she came up to me , smiled and said " your invited to my party today at 7:00 u can invite the girl. behind you if you want" she said nicely i looked at jamie and i told her about the invitation the bell rung and we walked to 1st period the teacher let us be in our phones so me and jamie were just playing games and texting second period we got to go outside and hang out so me jamie Jacob and david hung out in the bleachers third period we were just drawing and crafting stuff
4th and 5th period we just did the same thing which was bored games 6th period was a strict teacher so she gave a lesson and homework 7th period was gym so we just sat there talking cuz we didn't have our uniforms yet. after gym we went home and jamie got her stuff so that i can drop her off after dropping her off i was driving home and i saw a familiar car in the drive way i parked my car and went inside my brother my mom and dad were there talking they saw me and stood up and i hugged them " i missed you guys" i said " we did too we came to visit yall since our next journey is close by we will be leaving in an 1:00 so we should do something fun" they told us we decided to go to the aquarium and have dinner there it was kinda weird but i missed my parents so i didn't care we went on rides and drove home " bye mom and dad" me and and George said at the same time " bye kids lexy take care of your brother okay?" they said " i have been but okay" i said they opened the door and left. i went up to my room and saw a text from jamie
jamie:you ready to party?????????xP
me: omg totally forgot about that!!!
jamie: you still have time its fine
me: ok ttyl I'm ganna get ready
i put my phone in the night stand table and and went into my closet and looked for a dress. i looked in my dress section and found a silver top with a nude pinkish color dress i put that on with curls and slippers i grabbed my little purse and put some change,eyeliner just incase jamie asks,lip stick,my phone,my keys,and my perfume just incase
i went into George's room and i asked him if he wanted to go to his friends house for the night and he said yes so i dropped him off and told him to call me if anything happens or he needs something i drove to Jamie's house she was wearing a long red dress it looked nice on her she got in the car and drove to the party we got to a mansion and i parked my car we got off and walked to the door all we could  hear was music playing and people talking we opened the doors and there was people everywere everyone looked at us and made a path we walked through the path that lead us to the girl that gave us the invitation " you look nice and so do you, you guys were invited because we heard that anna was scared of you two" in that moment i started feeling scared " and we just wanted to tell you that you girls are now one of us we have been trying to figure a way out to get her out of our group but she didnt listen but now that yall have done something and kicked her out of the group yall are now allowed to hang out with us" i just stared at her in shock me and jamie sat with them and everyone started clapping for us " so we are the popular kids now?"i asked "yup and we do what you ask " she looked at me and smiled jamie was still in shock we started partying and dancing until jamie said that she was tired already so i told the girl that we were leaving and we went home jamie staid over because she didnt feel like still staying up i let her borrow a shirt and shorts and we fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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