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Niall's POV:

Josh was right I needed to go talk to Harry. I still sat at Josh's home trying to build the courage to drive to the house. I just thought 'fuck it' and got up and left.

I now stood at the front door and knocked lightly, but not loud enough for Harry to hear, so I knocked harder. Harry answered the door seconds later. He looked like a mess. He stood with grey sweatpants and a maroon jumper. His eyes were bloodshot red. He looked as though he had been crying not that long ago.

"Hey." I broke the silence. 


"Can I come in?" I questioned not wanting to over step my boundaries. 

"Yeah. I mean you do live here." Harry stepped to the side letting me enter and shut the door behind me. I walked to the living room and sat down, Harry followed suit. I needed to break the silence so that is exactly what I did. 

"So I think I owe you an explanation as to why I have been ignoring you. I was thinking last night and maybe a break will do us some good. So I'm going to go to Ireland for a week and think things through."

"Ni-" I cut him off.

"Haz, i'm going. This break will do us some good. I know you said you were just angry and didn't mean it, but this is good for us."

"I hope." I placed my hand over Harry's giving it a little squeeze. I stood up from the spot I had occupied, and walked to the door. 

"I will talk to you later." 

"Okay." I stepped forward kissing Harry on the cheek before exiting the house. 

Harry's POV:

Niall's visit was very unexpected. He had been ignoring my texts and calls all night. I thought he had changed his mind and he was coming home for good. Turns out he came to talk to me about staying in Ireland for a whole week. I didn't want him to leave but I didn't want to start this big argument and make it worse if I said something. 

I don't know where Niall and I stand right now. I know we are on a break, but what will happen when he gets back. Will he stay or leave? I felt as though we were slowly falling into pieces and pretty soon we would just be pieces.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone began to ring. I read my caller i.d. It was my mum. I answered bring my phone to my ear. 


"Hey, love. How are you?"

"Good. You?" I asked by polite. 

"Good. Gemma and her boyfriend are home for the weekend. I called to see if you and Niall wanted to come, spend some family time together."

"Niall is flying out to Ireland tomorrow. He will be gone all week."

 "How are you and Niall?" 

"We are fine for now. We are taking a break right now." 

"I'm sorry to hear that, love. You two will be just fine."

"Yeah, I hope. I will book my flight for tomorrow morning."

"That's fantastic. Gemma and I are excited to see you. I have to go, love. Gemma needs help with something. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you too, ma. Bye." The other side of the line went dead. I hung up the phone putting it in my back pocket before grabbing my laptop to book my flight. 

From Los Angeles to Mullingar

From Los Angeles to Cheshire.

I Hate You~Narry (Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu