A sly grin appears on Saskia's name once she hears me mentioning Rosen's name, "The whole 'new student' card is perfect to get closer to Rosen. He knows you're new here and don't know anyone so it's the perfect chance to be with him in school and hopefully the two of you have the same classes together, that would be so cute."

"I doubt that's going to happen," I reply, chuckling. "We're not even interested in the same things, besides dancing of course."

Saskia rolls her eyes at me, "Don't be so negative. I'm sure fate has something planned for the two of you."

"Don't be so sure," I respond. "Rosen and I haven't gone far in our relationship."

"Ugh," Saskia groans. "It's going to take some time, relax."

We finally arrive at our houses and Isabella is the first one to step out and head inside. I see her throwing her bag down on the floor and she heads upstairs immediately, while mom steps out of the house and gives the two of us a large smile.

"Hey, Saskia," she greets her.

"Hey, Mrs. Stevens," Saskia greets her back. "How are you?" she asks politely.

"I'm very well, thank you for asking."

Mom walks up to me and takes one of my bags. "Hazel I hope you don't mind staying home with Bella tonight, I have a date with a co-worker."

My ears perk up at the sound of those words, "You have a date? With who?"

"Like I said, he's a co-worker," Mom chuckles. "Just make sure Isabella doesn't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I'm counting on you to be the older and mature one."

"Don't worry, Mom," I reply. "I'll make sure that little booger won't go anywhere."


Mom didn't come home for a long time.

Just like she asked earlier, I made sure Isabella didn't go anywhere and lucky for me, she spent the entire night in her room, watching TV shows and talking to her friends on FaceTime. Which is why I spent my evening downstairs, watching Grey's Anatomy since that way Bella's obnoxious laugh didn't interrupt me at all.

About five episodes into season eight, I heard the doorbell go off. Groaning to myself I walked to the door and opened it, only to find Rosen staring back at me, a smile on his face. He looked at my pajamas and laughed, just like he had done once before.

"Am I interrupting a movie night or something?" He asks.

"Yes, you're interrupting my Grey's Anatomy marathon," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Rosen places his hand on his chest. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to come and practice with me? I know it's a bit late and it's impolite to ask a girl to come out at this hour but I really wanted to practice and couldn't wait until the morning. Also I don't have your phone number so I couldn't call beforehand, otherwise I would've asked if it's okay if I come here, so yeah," Rosen finishes his little rant.

Placing my hand on his mouth I look Rosen in the eyes to see shock and fear written in them.

"Stay quiet for a second," I giggle. "I'll come and practice with you. It's summer, I don't need to stay home and watch TV all day long."

A grin appears on Rosen's face, "Amazing."

"Let me just grab my sports bag and then we can leave."

Rushing upstairs I stop in front of a mirror for a second. I looked like complete and utter mess. Quickly running a hairbrush through my hair I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my bag, running downstairs. Hopefully Isabella won't be too disappointed that I'm leaving her alone.

Unraveling Rosen | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang