The Birth of A Monster

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The cries of a newborn baby filled the soundless halls of the Tsukumo mansion. In the room was the father, the midwife, and the new mother. The mother held her baby girl to her chest, smiling faintly.

"Congratulations, Takahito-sama and May-sama," the midwife said with a smile. The baby's cries slowly faded as she fell asleep in her mother's arms.


Takahito stared at his wife in a questionable gesture. "Shiki. Our daughter's name," May said, looking carefully at her daughter. How much they loved their daughter.

Suddenly, a burst of energy filled the room as Shiki opened her ocean blue eyes. She stared directly at her father. May widened her eyes in surprise.

"Well, I never expected this to happen," the midwife commented. She took the baby from the mother's arms and placed her on a table. Takahito walked over while glancing at the midwife.

"We must seal her powers or else others will come for her," she said. Takahito nodded in agreement as May could only watch. Once in a century, a monster is born in the Tsukumo family. Takahito's grandfather was the monster of the last century.

"We have to seal her powers with the scripts, now. Her seals will be broken when the time is right," Takahito said. He bit his finger, spilling out some blood. He placed his finger on Shiki's small leg, and began to write in her leg using his own blood.

The script glowed on the child's leg, sealing her pureblood genes away, leaving a regular vampire on the table. May watched sadly on the bed, healing from the birth injuries.

"What will happen to our daughter?", May asked, with a hint of worry in her tone. Takahito walked over to his wife, hugging her head, as she placed her hand on his arm. The midwife took the baby, and walked out the door, to the nursery.

"Our child has a life of misery", May cried. She tugged on the sleeves of Takahito's shirt, and closed her eyes. Tears spilled out continuously, as she kept thinking of her own child's future.


"What do you mean?! There is no way I will hand over my child to your care!" Takahito yelled. He held his wife closer to him, as he glared at the vampire hunter couple in front of them. They stood in the living room of the Tsukumo mansion.

"My daughter is 2 thousand years old. Give her a chance to live!" May cried. "She is barely an adult Vampire..."


A little figure popped up from the corner as May turned her head, and smiled. Takahito's eyes softened as he saw his daughter, who still looked as if she were five years old as a human.

"Hi sweetie, what's wrong?" May asked. She ruffled Shiki's brown hair and hugged her. Takahito continued to stare at the vampire hunters standing in front of them.

"Go upstairs with Shiki," Takahito whispered. May carried Shiki upstairs, running towards the room that held a safe (a locked case). She unlocked it, and took out a necklace with a sapphire int the middle. It shone a blue light in the moonbeams.

May clipped it on her daughter's neck, and kissed her forehead. Shiki was only five years old. A loud gunshot was heard, and the sound of footsteps came closer.

"Hand over your daughter!" a female voice yelled. May crouched near Shiki, hugging her. Loud bangs were heard against the door.

"Remember this, Shiki. Your father and I love you. This necklace will protect you and seal your growing powers. You are a normal vampire. This seal on your right leg seals your powers," May said quickly.

Shiki nodded, with no clue of what was happening. The door can only hold for so long, as cracks appeared on the wooden door.

"Remember, the seal will be broken when the time is right. I'm sorry, but your father and I have to say this," May cried. The door burst open, and the two hunters grabbed May.

May used her powers to teleport Shiki to the forest. Shiki looked around, in fear. "Good bye."

Shiki's eyes changed from blue to brown, as the seal from the necklace kicked in. The sound of a twig breaking behind Shiki scared her even more.

"A... little kid?"

Shiki turned around to see a blonde man with glasses, wearing a brown trench coat. He picked up the crying child who looked as if she were five years old, and lead her to a car.

"I will be your father. Don't worry," he said. He gently patted the little girl's head. "My name is Kaien Cross. What's your name?"

"Shi.. Shiki..." the heartbroken girl whispered. Kaien Cross started to drive to a large campus. Other wise known as Cross Academy.

"I have another girl named Yuki at home. Your older, but you guys will be sisters! Don't bite her though~" Kaien Cross said. Shiki stared at the floor of the car, as they passed the giagantic walls, and passed the large metal gate.

Don't tell me... good bye...


How was Don't tell me Good Bye?

Please vote if you like it! I tried my best to improve my writing. If you want, I have other books 😭

Warning: Vampire Knight books are a little poor, since they were my first fanfictions ever. T.T

Published: 7/15/16

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