"Nope" Preston grins,

I slide on my shades as I reverse,

But it's our decision, Simon.

>Josh P.O.V<

"Hey, guys!" Simon says as he holds energy drinks,

"Hey Simon" Harry puffs as he comes walking over,

"Here" Simon hands him a drink,

"Thanks, Si," Harry says as he opens it,

"Josh I need to talk to you" Simon whispers,

"Ok, we'll talk when we get home," I say as he just nods,

"C'mon guys! Lets play some football!" Simon calls.

~At Home~

"Hey, do you guys want anything? Vik and I are going to go shopping" Tobi asks,

"I'm good," I say,

"Same" Simon nods,

"Ok, we'll be back in a few," Tobi says as he and Vik head out.

"My room" Simon whispers to me walking past me and I follow,

We walk in and Simon sits in his chair while I sit on his bed,

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" I ask,

"Remember the photo I sent you at school?" He asks,

"Yeah, the wolf one with P.A.C.K?"

"Yes, yes, that one. My suspicions where right, the new kids, the 5 of them, are P.A.C.K" He explains,

"Then what does P.A.C.K stand for?"

'It doesn't stand for anything much, they just capitalized the letters in PACK but they are the Pack."

"So what you are saying is that their gang name is 'Pack'?"

"Not just Pack but the Pack, I know a bit about them myself," He says,


"That their leader is Lachlan Power his right-hand-man is Preston Arsement, Lachlan resides from Australia and Preston is from Texas. The group formed here in the UK in the first year of middle school" He says playing with a pen,

"There is something that you are not telling me, isn't there" I narrow my eyes at Simon,

"You'd be correct, what middle school did we all go to?" he asks,

How is this important?

"Jefferson Middle School, " I say,

"Yes, but one of the 6 of us didn't go to that middle school. Who was I, Josh?"

Then it hits me,

"You Simon, you went to a different middle school than the 5 of us!" I say shocked.

"You'd be correct, I went to the same middle school as the Pack. But there is also one other thing" He continues,

"Whats that?" I ask,

"I was once their leader."

-Vik P.O.V-

I noticed that when Simon get the drinks he kept glancing at me,

Even in the car he glanced at me every 2 seconds,

It was creepy.

"Hey Vik, wanna go to the shops?" Tobi asks me,

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