Meet Taylor

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Hi I am Taylor and I live in an orphanage. I am now 13 but when I got here I was 2 months old. I like to penny board and go on adventures. I live in America now but today I am being moved to Britain because they have more room in orphanages then America. So I packed my bags and hopped on the plane saying goodbye to America.
13 hours later
"Miss we have landed in Great Britain" the flight attendent says. I grab my backpack which had everything I have in it. I get off the plane and walk into the crowded area. I say a man that had a sign that said my name and adoptive number on it. I walk over to the man. "Excuse me sir but the sign you have has my number and name on it" I say. "You must be Taylor from miss Murphys home for girls" he says. "Yes that is me" i say. "Well right this way you will be staying at London's home for girls" he says and walks me to a car. I get in and we pull up to this huge building that says home for girls. "Ok we are here come on" he says I get out with my bag and meet a lady she must be the head. "Hello Taylor I am miss stacy the head mistress" she says with a smile. "So your the dean" I ask. "If that's what you call it then yes no let me show you to your room your the only thirteen year old so you get your own room" she says and walks me into the building and up the stairs. She shows me my room and I put my backpack down. "Here wear this tomorrow. It's adoption day and we have a dress code" she says handing me a dress. "I am so sorry ma'am but  if we all wear the same clothes then how will our personality show" I ask. "Well if you can find a dress that you have that is proper you can wear that" she says with a smile. "Ok" I say and she leaves. I unpack and lay out a white dress with a yellow daisy flower crown. I lay in the bed and fall asleep watching thatcherjoe (Joe sugg).

Adopted by Joe Sugg Where stories live. Discover now