Room of Requirement- Harmione

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Harry POV

I was looking for the room of requirement that dobby had told me about. Hermione was with me to make sure that there was nothing that would get us caught. As we approached the place I checked the time on my watch. 10:35. We were supposed to be in our common rooms. All the sudden I heard a little hem hem, Come from behind us. Oh no, she was coming our way. We quickly ran to the end of the corridor. I need a place to hide two people. I thought and a door appeared in the wall. We approached the door. As we walked in I gazed in awe. There was a room fit for about three people to hide in. There was a small door on the opposite side of the room. When they reached it it went away. Then Hermione tripped, and fell right on top of Harry. They laughed at her clumsiness. When they stopped and looked at there position, her on top of him, they blushed. Harry looked at her and felt his heart swell. She was beautiful.
"Hermione." And when she turned her head he kissed her. Then the door burst open and in came Ron.

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