Chapter 3: The portal

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   The queen was walking around in the place, giggling insanely as he roamed the halls with his blue and pink eyes swirling crazily as he roamed his castle slowly falling apart towards a destination only he knew. His king on the other hand, was out in the battlefield, with the majority of the Spades population because by law everyone over 18 has to join the army and the people who're disabled HAVE to serve in the queens's palace. The palace had seen its prime a LONG time ago but still was standing strong. The servants there were scared of the queen, Oliver Kirkland, but behind his back called him multiple of names but whenever they were in the room with him, they called him Your Majesty, My Lord and in girls case, (because he demanded it) Ollie. The names they called him when he wasn't around was Walking Freak show, The Devils Child and other names. As he walked towards they room, he heard people shifting around and groaning. He entered the room and inside that room there was beds with comfy velvet sheets and luxurious satin canopies and everyone saluted to him. "Hello, Your Majesty" they said en masse because no one wanted to be called out on this day for which it was Feasting Day. "Yaaaaaaaaaay" called out everyone trying to hide the sarcasm in it. "OK lets get started" The mad queen said and pulled out a sheet of paper. The people who'll be feasting today will be Maria Vasquez, Rio Allriac , and Drake Spalding. Will you please step forward? The three unlucky servants with each their own disabilities came forward. Drake had a shattered leg that hung loosely by his side and he limped, the guy was in the army fighting for the queen and his leg was destroyed by a flame embedded ax but his armor protected him from major damage but was instantly taken out of the army and got put into the queen's palace as servant. Rio on the other hand was born disabled with her mother being quite rude to her because she had to take care of her kid but she didn't have to like it. She had grown up resourceful and clever using her wits to survive despite being mute. Maria had an illness you couldn't see. She was very organized and had Mysophobia (fear of germs) but yet ironically she was the one who cleaned the ovens. And she had OCD and had an obsession with keeping everything in its place. The three people stepped forward knowing that their fate was clear as crystals in a glass chambers. That fate was death. Oliver opened the door and said with practiced charm "After you my dears" as they both walked outside the door. The tributes thoughts were that from waiting anxiously for death, to hoping they might escape to a new and better world. Rio picked up her pad and her pen and started to write her thoughts down and passed it to her comrades. The note said "Instead of picking out our own food, lets eat what Ollie eats." "Ok, lets try this idea and lets see if it works." Drake whispered quietly. Just as he whispered this, the quartet arrived at a table laden with meats and hams and soups and all other foods you could imagine each with its own distinctive aroma. The food's aroma came together to a mouthwatering smell. It made the 3 servants mouths water with delight and with wonder with which foods would be the most delicious to try first. As they sat in the wooden chairs with Oliver at the head in his overlarge chair. The servants stared at the king and he stared back at them. He face broke into a broad grin showing off all of his teeth with a weird red stain on them. "Don't be scared my servants, come on let's eat" he suddenly closed his mouth. He loaded his plate and started eating portions with great gusto. He suddenly looked hurt, "You don't like my food don't you? He turned his face away and when he turned his face back around the trio his grin was wider than ever showing all off his teeth and as the pair looked into his eyes, they were swirling slowly pink. They suddenly drew back careful not to show any emotion which was mostly shock. To save their skins they had to resort to a lie."My king, why we lie to you", As he said this he looked down at his empty platter, noticing that the napkin and the fork looked better in opposite places and he started to adjust to it to his liking while he stared up at his master. Oliver, then looked at them straight in the eye and he said "Now it begins". As he said this he walked off to a room, the servants looked at each other quizzically and followed him without knowing they were walking into a trap as soon as they got into the room suddenly a glass barrier came up separating Rio from her companions! Then, Oliver stood beside her saying "You know poppet, your friends can be saved but they have to figure this riddle" As he said this spikes came from the three walls and started moving together with agonizing slowness toward each other. Meanwhile, Drake and Maria picked up the paper, reading what it said which was, " What's the most precious thing, that can be ended in a instant by certain thoughts" Maria thought for a while and whispered the answer to Drake and he shouted out loud "Good vibes". The walls suddenly stopped and retreated back with all and utter swiftness. Then Oliver's voice boomed in the speaker "Well then poppets, that was the first challenge, but there still two more left to do."" Oh and By the Way, the actually answer was happiness but I wanted to troll you a little bit BEFORE YOU DIE!!! As he said this a trapdoor opened under drakes feet and he disappeared into a dark space and was gone from sight in an instant. Suddenly insane giggling started coming from the speakers, suddenly Rio was back with them, her brown eyes portrayed all that they needed to know. "You know poppets, my next bit advice will help you significantly," "RUN". As he said this, A door opened in front of them and both Rio and Maria, stood there just struck dumb by the experience that just happened and as in a trance walked through the door which swiftly shut behind them, then something surprised them, a piece of cake was sitting on a pedestal, all dainty- like. It was a simple piece of Red Velvet and had simple white icing on top. The two people looked at the cake hungrily and reached out to touch it, but as the hand touched the dessert, it vanished. "Ha! Do you think you petty little thieves will steal MY delicious dessert, well I DON'T THINK SO!!!" As he said this guards came in though hidden doors, throwing flame axes at them and running towards them. Maria then took Rio by the hand and while they were running, started screaming "The cake is a lie". With the guards at their tails, the pair reached an open door. They were at a dead end, with a cliff face at the end, with a swirling blue substance behind them, the guard then came out and forces them dangerously close to the edge. Suddenly, Oliver burst through between the guards, holding Drake by his tattered collar. His eyes swirled insanely as he whispered "You discovered my little secret, oh no that just can't do" "You only have two options now, jump into that void or face a painful death after I try you, and find you guilty" Meanwhile, Drake was grunting and struggling to get out of Oliver's iron grip, when he finally burst free, he limped as fast as he could in front of the girls and shielded them with his body. "So you're trying to be brave then, so face death!" "Guard! Charge and capture them alive if you can!" The guards charged in a slow moving wave, as the trio backed up closer and closer. "Guys, I think it's time to jump!" Drake yelled. As he said this, he grabbed both Maria and Rio's hands and jumped off the cliff face into the portal. And everything went black.

Story is mine!!!!!
Hetalia isn't!!!!!!! Please comment on my story!!!!!!!
(if you can find the game that's in this)  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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