Chapter 1: The Contest

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"And that's how our land was founded" The teacher of the the 8th grade said finishing her report, Now to tell you how the kingdom was founded "It started when the humans that the dragons created started to overpopulate and fight over resources, the dragons had to stop it to stop extinction."  Every dragon put a mark on their race of humans, the hearts have a heart symbol on their left elbow, diamonds have a diamond on their right,  and clubs has a club symbol on their right hand and spades had a spade symbol on their left." Suddenly the bell rang!!! The students in the class ran towards the door except for one. The last one to leave was African-American, heavy-set muscular and average. As she trudged on behind as  she heard calls of "Freak, Ugly Outcast" as she trudged on outside and saw the noble-men daughters making ugly faces at her. All of because she didn't have a birthmark of a spade like everyone else. She had a lower-back birthmark of five dragons eating each other's tails. She saw her friends and she ran over to them calling out "Hey everyone, what's up!!!!" You see, Spades was the only kingdom with free public school no matter how low you were on the totem pole.  She reached the table where the peasants sat, her only friends. "Hey everyone!!!" Elaine replied " What's up Lea!!!" "Oh nothing much, beside that the royal- pains are getting on my nerves" "Your right there friend, they pick on everyone those two twats Ally and Bark." Another kid named Trac spoke up. "Also, have you heard, their's going to be a dancing contest and the King and Queen and Jack are judging it themselves." "But why bother entering it besides the fact that we all this table know that the "Royals" are going to win". "Do or do not there is no try!!!!" Tarc interrupted awesomely. "Ok, I'll think about it" Lea replied as she walked to through the paved roads and crowed traffic and stopped at her family's house. "I'm home" she yelled as she dropped her books on the couch. As she ran up the stairs, ans into her room she grabbed her witch doctor mask and her staff and went to downstairs where her mother was fighting out evil spirits/people from another dimension which everything was the opposite of the way it should be. Where chaos and disorder prevailed. As she came down she saw a male muscular tanned guy with red eyes and wore a raggedy blue tail coat with  a ripped  white shirt and his face had sharp cheek bones and gave her an angry glare. " What're you gonna do about me you little punk a** Huh?" Lea looked at him and said nothing as she waved her staff causing a blinding white light around the room. She waved toward him creating a portal to where ever the heck he came from. He said this as he  disappeared " You'll die and the queen of the Spades Dimension will be watching you rise and when we come and you'll fall and you'll be screaming for death by the time, I'm finished with you." Lea continued to say nothing but two words " Bye Felicia" as he disappeared in flash of bright light. The small girl took off her clothes, took a shower and went to bed awaiting the next day when the last day to sign up and the contest began. Before she fell asleep, she touched her birthmark on her lower back before she went into the deep dark avenue of Dreamcity.

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