Song Question #2

22 4 6

Answer for last question:A Thousand Years
Winner:Shelby_Painter Congrats,😊😊

Song: an oldie,but a goodie

Well, he walked up to me and he asked me if I wanted to dance
He looked kinda nice and so I said I might take a chance
When he danced he held me tight
And when he walked me home that night
All the stars were shining bright

Take Your Best Guess!!

Also,I'm going to do another book for prizes,and when someone guesses correctly,they get a free cover Ya know,and a edit of their choice made by me,I'll make it soon. Shelby_Painter I'll let you know when I publish the book,and when I do just go their and tell me what you want for a edit. At the end of the contest,I'll tally up the scores and the winner at the end gets their prize.

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