Alfred let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay okay, I didn't mean it...anyway Ludwig hasn't done it to him, so that's good." he said, taking a sip of the Brit's tea, nose wrinkling in disgust at the taste.

"Ludwig doesn't do that kind of thing Alfred, you know that." Arthur muttered, snatching his tea cup back.

"I guess...surprised he hasn't beat him up though." Alfred said with a hint of wonder, sitting crossed legged on the table.

Arthur nodded. "So am I, but if Ludwig tries it I'll be having some very stern words about putting him in isolation again." he said firmly, draining the rest of his tea cup.

Alfred gave him a confused, disgruntled look. He jumped down from the table, folding his arms moodily across his chest. "Arthur why the hell are you so nice to Feliciano? You got a crush on the guy or something?" he demanded.

"No!" Arthur snapped, eyes narrowing. "I just feel sorry for the kid, he was wrongly convicted and now he's going to spend up to two years of his live in a hell hole like this."

"How do you know he's innocent, were you there?" Alfred asked skeptically, one eyebrow raised.

Arthur rolled his eyes, getting up from the table to put his tea cup in the sink behind him. "You're the one who said he wouldn't squish a bug."

Alfred shrugged. "Maybe the kid has a secret dark side." he suggested, ignoring the incredulous look the Brit shot him. He sighed slightly. "...I still don't get it Arthur, you've never been this nice to any inmates we've ever had in here before."

"Yes well I've never met an inmate as pathetic as him," Arthur said softly, washing the inside of his cup. "...if we don't look out for him he's going to get raped or killed." he glanced back at the American. "...or raped and then killed."

"I didn't see you standing up for any of the other pathetic guys in here." Alfred said pointedly, leaning back against the table.

Arthur sighed, drying his hands on a tea towel. "Alfred surely you've seen the way everybody in here looks at him."

"Yeah I know..." Alfred muttered, scratching the back of his head. "But even still; it's not our job to decide who's innocent dude, we're not barristers, we just keep the convicted ones in line." he said his a shrug as if that was final.

The American jumped slightly as the Brit suddenly whacked the towel down on the counter. Arthur turned around to fix him with a dark stare. "For God sake." he growled.

Alfred looked confused, eyes shifting about uncomfortably. "What?"

Arthur sighed in frustration, shaking his head. "You never understand do you?" he muttered coldly.

Alfred just stared at him. "What's there to understand?" he asked in bewilderment. "Feliciano was convicted and brought here...we shouldn't give him any special treatment."

Arthur shook his head in disgust, turning back to the sink. "Forget it." he grumbled.

Alfred sighed, pushing back from the table he walked forward and placed a hand on the Brit's shoulder. "Arthur-"

"You know this is just like what happened when Ludwig was brought here five years ago!" Arthur glowered, spinning around to slap the American's hand away.

"For fuck sake not this again Arthur..." Alfred muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Arthur frowned. "What?"

Alfred glared at him. "Ludwig belongs here Arthur!" he cried in aggravation. "He was convicted for a damn good reason, he's not innocent!"

"It's not as simple as that!" the Brit snapped irately.

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