Chapter 6

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Previously On Fairy Tail Pirates

A couple of Minutes Later

" Lucy I'm fighting with Natsu right now but I'm not sure I can handle it anymore...I'm so sorry" Taurus pleaded

" Taurus don't worry you did, well thank you" I said

"Leo!" I said

"yes?" Loke said

"It's your turn" I said

As I was walking I felt the warm sun on my body and I was finally FREE!

Loke POV

As I was searching around the ship searching for Natsu I heard ruckus from the front of the ship so I ran towards the disturbance and saw two of the exact people fighting each other. I figured out automatically that it was Gemini and a woman with scarlet hair. Hopefully she doesn't find out Gem's weakness cause if so this will end badly for Lucy. As I was thinking about the situation bolts of fire started to come towards my direction and I missed them one by one.

"Hmm so you're Leo the Lion?" someone questioned

" Yes and who'm might you be?" I asked

Then out of no where someone plopped down landing on the floor with his pink hair flying everywhere.

" Natsu, Natsu Dragneel to be exact and you're in MY ship" He said loud and clear with his fists balling with fire.

Aquarius POV

"LUCY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled as she was standing near a cliff with a gun in her hand.

After yelling her name I heard a loud gunshot and directly woke up from the nightmare hearing knocking on the door. As I got up from the bed and checked the clock on the night stand and saw it was 1:10pm which means I over slept for 5 hours. Ugh just my day today. As I walked to the door and opened it Lahar and doranbolt were at the door with bunch of papers in their hand and looking at their faces they haven't slept for days.

" Aquarius..." Doranbolt said looking at me from head to toe.

"What? you haven't seen a girl without her uniform..." then I realized I was just wearing a bra and shorts.

I immediately then shut the door and took a deep breath. As I went to my closet and changed into my uniform I looked at the mirror and saw something, it was Lucy's necklace. What in Fairy's name was it doing here. That might be a clue, so I grabbed the necklace and ran to the door opening it allowing Lahar and Doranbolt in after the small incident.

" Look what I found" I said showing them a necklace.

" What is supposed to be?" Lahar asked

" A clue that will let us find where Lucy is" I said smirking

Sting POV

"Alright I'm going to the market now to buy some things" I yelled out to the guild as I left.

As I was walking down the streets of Magnolia I was thinking how I got here. I mean I was raised by dragons for gods sake and killed it. I mean I kinda Miss Weisslogia he raised me after all. And now look at me I'm the master of a guild called Sabertooth. Immediately something caught my senses. It smelled like a someone I knew.

Lucy POV

As I was walking to the market to get some food I then realized that I don't have my things. My uniform and everything is in the ship. Which means... I can't get food.

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