Making his way slowly to the chair at the bedside, he carefully lowered himself down. The scented smoke coming from the fire made his eyes sting and the back of his throat tickle. He still did not comprehend how that was good for anyone, but who was he to judge something he did not understand.

At the movement on the bed, Cam leaned forward catching the hand nearest to him. “Father?” thinking he may still be asleep, he went to sit back. Only looking up he saw tired dull eyes, trying their hardest to focus upon him, as he sat next to him in the dim room.

“Camdyn? Where have you been?” the slurring had become more pronounced in his absence. The guilt that made him feel ate at him. He could, however, not let it affect him. If he did he knew his news would be denied. If that was the case, Cam would have to go against one of his father’s dying wishes. While it would tear him apart, his main loyalty now lay with Aislinn, he would not give her up because of the prejudices of an old man.

“I’ve been protecting our borders father. Making sure the Keep and village was safe.” It was the only answer if father would have accepted. Time with a girl was not acceptable. “Good…Good. As you should.” Toren’s hand tightened somewhat on his own, though it was nothing to the strength he was used to in his father.

He took a fortifying breath, almost choking on the fumes. The only way to do this was to spit it out. “I have news father,” his voice light, hopefully his father would be too distracted to notice the full meaning. “I am betrothed. You do not have to fall into the final sleep not knowing what would become of me.” Smiling as he remembered the expression on Aislinn’s face as Isla had dragged her away that morning, his father’s words brought him back to the present.

“Which lucky girl has finally managed to catch you?” the cough that suddenly shook Toren’s fame, shook Cam, he had never seen his father so fragile. Holding his shoulders as until he calmed Cam lowered him back down. He could feel the bones beneath his hands, the muscles that so impressed him when he was younger had wasted away. Distracting himself, he brought his mind back to the topic at hand.

“Aislinn, the one I saved. I told you about her. She has already made changes in the clan, just by being here. She has proved she will be the perfect lady.” He was dismayed by the time he had finished. Toren was shaking his head with some vigour for the state he was in. “No, not that one. You cannot take her to bride. Take her to bed if you must, she is nothing, of no consequence. She cannot be lady of this Keep.”

Affronted by the prejudice in his father, he felt his anger rise. “You do not even know her. How dare you have such an opinion? You saying such things about my woman disgusts me. You haven’t even met her and you are so against her. Why? You say she is of no consequence, but she obviously is, if you are so against her so suddenly.” Taking a calming breath, he stood to pace the room, before he took his anger out physically upon his father. “Come on then father, tell me. What is it about a girl you know nothing about that you have so much against? Would you prefer I marry Vika?” The derision in his laugh showed his exact feelings of his final question. Well for him it was less a question, more a statement of absurdity.

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