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TITLE: The Fox and the Hound
GENRE: Fanfiction
SHIP: Deamus
SUMMARY: From the moment they met on the Hogwarts Express, Dean and Seamus have been best friends, and the thought of being something more had never even crossed Seamus' mind. Not even when they went to they Yule Ball together, claiming they went as just friends. But then Dean suddenly starts dating Ginny, confusing Seamus. Unsure what to do, he is left on his own to get his feelings, well, straight.
For Dean thins get quite complicated as well, especially after the fourth year, and he starts to see Seamus and himself more and more like the fox and the hound from his favourite Disney movie— both support another side after the 'supposed rise of Voldemort' and chances of anything more than friendship seem to be further away than ever.

TITLE EXPLANATION: Their patronuses (patroni?) are a fox and a hound, and there is this Disney movie with both — which you should totally watch by the way—

A/N: You can do pretty much what you want with this plot, as isn't thought out that much— you're free to do as you alike, as long as you follow the idea as stated above

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