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(Someone drew a picture of Dark and I. The person drew it for me and sent it to me on insta)
It was a late night and I was sitting on my bed watching Jacksepticeye and listening to scary stories until I noticed a dark figure from the corner of my eye standing by my closet door. As it started moving I jump up a little bit in fear. He got closer to my bed and crawled on to it and hovered over me then knocks me out.
--time skip still my POV--
I wake up and the next thing I know is that I'm in an unfamiliar place. I quickly get outta bed and I noticed that I was a bit taller then I was before. I then walk downstairs to see the figure from before standing there. "Hello Babe. Oh where are my manners. I'm Dark if you didn't know" he says wrapping his arms around my waist. I knew who he was. "I know who you are" I say with a slight smile wrapping my arms around his neck as he leans in and kisses me a little. Just I then kiss back I feel him pick me up by my thighs to hold me up. As he picks me up and holds me from under my butt I wrap my legs around his waist.

Darks POV
After I had picked her up I had turned to walk upstairs. After we bursted into our room I plopped onto the bed and climbed on top of her and made out with her. I slowly kiss down from her jawline to her neck. Just as I reach I pause for a second "this may hurt for a sec" I say "what do y-ahhh" she screams just as I bit her neck to turn her into a  full demon.
After awhile she had finally woke up and asked what happened. "I turned you into a demon and you passed out. Your an immortal now to" I say as I pull her close to me kissing her softly. We both fall asleep cuddled in each other's arms right after the kiss

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