It feels weird to walk with someone to school when I always was by myself. The walk was quite but not bad. Sneaking glances at Mark I could feel my face heat up. Walking up to the parking lot of the school, people were already in there clicks and laughing. When people noticed me and Mark walking together they shared glares and whispers to each other. Looking away and keeping my head low, staring at the ground.

Mark POV
As we entered the school's parking lot people started to whisper and point. A group of girls glared at Sam but smiled and waved at me. Raising an eyebrow I looked down at Sam and he had his head lowered and quite. "Hey, are you alright?" He simply nodded but continue to stare at the ground.

We walked into the school and started for his locker, but haft way there he stopped and turned to me. Staring at me with those beautiful violet eyes. "I can go by myself. You go to class." The way he said those words broke my heart. He sounded the he was about to cry. He turned his head to the side not making eye contact with me. "Oh, um...ok" I spoke wishing that he would look at me again. He nodded and turned and walked off. I sighed while scratching the back of my head.

Walking into my classroom I am immediately surrounded by people mostly girls. Saying 'hi' and what not I went to my desk and got comfortable.

I don't have first period with Sam bit ill see him in the next one. As I sit and wait for the class to start three girls surround my desk. Giggling and playing with their hair, they try to be cute. I don't know why these girls like me and I try to keep my distance from them as much as possible but still not be rude.

If you haven't already guessed, that I'm gay. And I fell for Sam but I'm not sure what he thinks about me. First I thought he hated me but he responded to my touch which made me so happy. Sitting there thinking about Sam the bell rings along with the teacher yelling at everyone to sit. The girls scurry to their seats and class begins.

I didn't pay attention to the lesson all period. Once the bell rang and gathered my things and ran out the door hearing girls behind me calling my name.

Standing by Sam's class door and watching as people leave and as always Sam is the last out the door. As he stepped out the door his eye shot up at me. I watch as his eyes show a glimpse of happiness but he quickly lowered his head with a quiet 'hello'. Smiling at him we walked to our next class.

Walking in the room Sam quickly takes his seat and pulls out a book. And once again I'm surrounded by my friends and a few girls. Always taking a glance or two at him as I talk.

For the rest of class I found myself looking back at him and every so often we would lock eyes. I would smile and his face would flush with a slight nod. He's so adorable.


After a classes passed I headed to the cafeteria. Walking down the hall I heard a bam. Looking around for the source of the sound, I look down the hall headed toward the library and saw three guys pin Sam against the lockers.

"Ok, Fagget you're gonna tell us why Mark is hanging around with a piece of shot like you." The middle guy said as he pushed his arm against Sam's chest.

"I-i do-on't k-know." Sam whimpered

"Oh, hell if you don't know. For all we know is that he fuckin' your ass, like the slut you are." The guy on the left said with a chuckle.

"N-no. T-tha-at's n-not....h-he's j-jus-st..." He whimpered again while he studdered with tears in his eyes.

That's it I won't let anyone hurt him. He's mine!

Walking down the hall with my fist at my sides. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" I said with a growl. The guys snapped their heads toward me along with Sam. He's sweet violet eyes grew wide.

The middle man looked back at Sam with a chuckle spoke. "Oh, so the great Mark came to save his bitch. That's classic."
He than turned to me with an angry glare.
"What's with this Fagget that you keep following him around for? Oh, is he really for fuckin', then that make sense why would anyone make this Fagget feel like something! Ahaha!"

That's where he crossed the line. No one will treat him like his shit on my watch.

Grinding my teeth together with my hands in fists I walked up to the guy that has his arm pushed against Sam's chest. "Oh, is that what you think? Well then I will have to do something about that." I said as calming as I could then I punched him square in the stomach. He dropped Sam kneeling over in pain.

Sam rushed around them and stood behind me clinging onto the back of my shirt trembling.
"If I hide out that you or anyone else hurts or threatens Sam then I'm coming for your heads." I growled making them flinch and ran off.

Sam still holding tight to me whispered ever so quietly "t-thanks." His voice cracking as he spoke. Turning towards him I wrapped my arms around his waist holding him close. Sam flung his arms around my neck burying his face in my neck letting soft sobs escape his lips.

Pulling him into my chest I rubbed his back as he slowly calms down. He pulled himself off of me and wiped his eyes with the back of his long sleeve shirt.
"I'm ok now. You didn't have to save me." He mumbled. Shaking my head I looked down at him and smiled. He nodded as the bell rang signaling that lunch was over.

I slung my arm over his shoulder and heard him giggle. That made my heart flutter as I saw the ends of his lips curl up into a small smile and began to walk down the hall.

Why does it have to be him? (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now