Chapter one (Your life-story)

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At birth, your mother never had a liking to you, your h/c, e/c, and s/c had a feel to her that made her sick to her stomach. Your father on the other hand, he loved you to death. Somehow you felt a presents that wasn't normal.....It was almost supernatural. Since you were just a baby, you had no care in the world....

(After a "HUGE" time skip)

You were at the age of 7, running down the halls of a manor you grew in. There was a unsettling feeling as you ran down, seeing the white/pale doors as you sped by. The Head Trancy of that time, he was busy trying to find a new "doll" to "play" with. He had always seemed nice to you, as you were like a daughter to him. You were sold to this man after the mother wanted you gone, out of her life....for good. Your father was okay with the idea, only because he knew they couldn't take care of you in the situation they were in. Poor and almost had to come crawling for things. Yet, here, they gave you EVERYTHING you wanted, and treated like a princess. You heard a noise as you were running and came to a stop. Looking into the room and seeing all the different boys lined up, only in a small cloth over their waist's. The new "Father" of your was on the golden lined, and crimson colored chair, he looked almost pleased with every boy in there. His face with a blush upon it, curious you were as you had seen the look you had in his eye's. It was almost lustful for all of them. You didn't want to look as he hit one of them in the chest with his cane. You were very pitiful of all the boys there, seeing them get beaten on and some even bleeding, it was a gory and horrible sight to you.

The same thing happened for years and years, yet, once you reached the age of 10, you were doing the same thing you always did, peeking into that same room, looking at all of them, looking almost the same year after year. Except this time, your eye caught a boy with blonde, yet dirtied hair, and the prettiest icy blue eyes. You were caught in this beauty of his. The man had called him up, looking into his soul almost, after a few seconds...WHAM! He was knocked down. The man cursed at him, and he even didn't even like his eyes. After a while, all the boys were taken downstairs and were cleaned. You made to make sure"Father" wouldn't see, so you ran to your room and acted as if you were asleep. After a few minutes he came in. "We have some new dolls for me, sweetie." He said. "Oh! That's good, right?" You stated confused. "Yes! It's always good to have new ones, they get so old after a while, and we know what happens to them." he said, very excited, almost blushing more than you were earlier. "Maybe.....could I have one?" As nervous as you were, you said it stuttering. "And why would you think that....They are mine, hands off...." He seemed very mad at your question, maybe even a bit pushed over the edge.


Father died and you were the one in the front row, seeing that same boy you liked from years ago, Alois was his name, as it was changed from before, he was known as Jim Macken. Father told you more and more information about him each day. You began to become happy with those stories, until he died that is, and all you were left to do was to become a maid for the place, only because you wouldn't be a princess, knowing you weren't even the proper age. You were only 12, what could you do then, you seemed almost useless. That boy, Alois, was crying and sobbing over his corpse...knowing he was the favored one, he was very close to him, yet there was a man, dressed in a butler's uniform, standing near the boy, his eyes golden as the honey from the bee's you used to see outside the manor. Wearing glasses and standing almost like a statue. You had some fear for this man, not knowing what he would do if you even tried to get close.

You just stayed there, the butler's eyes wandering, and watching you, from where he was standing. Your eye's met with his after a few minutes. He seemed to have  a hated look when he peered at you. He had a hidden look of unworthiness for you in his eyes. After the funeral, Alois and his mysterious butler-like person left, you as well, going back to the manor. All the maid's we curious on how you took this all in. You were so confused and angered at his death, you nearly broke a vase in the main hallway. You stomped back to your room, shut the door, locked it, and sobbed on your bed, knowing that soon you would have to have training to become a maid, and no longer that princess you wished so much to be. You were to busy to notice that one of the maids outside the room heard a knock at the door, she went to go check, and saw the boy and his butler.

"Get to work, you peasants." Said Alois, as he and his butler entered the manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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