Chapter Seven

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Brooke explained to me what capture the flag was the next morning.

"This sounds extremely dangerous."

We were walking around the camp, in a facade of giving me a more detailed tour. In reality, I was telling her the events of the night before. When she learned I had had a conversation with Arsen, she was immediately interested.

Turns out, Arsen is infamous for his bad attitude. Brooke was surprised he had let me do half the things I did without breaking my nose or something.

I think I was supposed to feel honored in some way, but, really, I was just irritated. Arsen sounded like a bully.

"It's amazing he even wanted you on his team." Brooke told me as we passed the pegasus stables.


"Well, aside from the fact that he hates everyone," Brooke said with a smirk, "There's also the whole competitive thing he has going on. He eliminates every chance of losing he can. The fact that he asked someone who doesn't even know what the game is, is pretty amazing."

I hummed in response, thinking that over. I wasn't sure how I felt about Arsen's weird interest in me. I was almost unsettled. After all, I wasn't anything special in a world of gods and monsters.

"When is it?" I asked, finally.

"What?" Brooke asked, focusing back on me, "Oh! It's tonight."

"Tonight?!" I exclaimed, coming to a halt. I whirled to face her directly, and she seemed confused at my surprise.

"We have them every friday." She said, "I thought you knew this?"

I gaped at her, "I didn't even know what capture the flag was until an hour ago! How am I supposed to know the weekly schedule?!"

Brooke pressed her lips together as if she were trying to hold back laughter. I narrowed my eyes and gave her a dry look. She couldn't help but let a giggle escape. I shoved her slightly and she laughed harder, stumbling over her hooves.

"How am I supposed to do this?" I asked once she was steady again, "I mean, I don't even have a weapon."

She paused, turning to look at me. She said, "Uh, yes you do."


"The hair sticks your father gave you." She said, "They are a weapon. Here, get them out."

I pulled them out of my pocket, holding them out to her in the palm of my hand. She shook her head and said, "You need to take them and shove the bottom of them into the ground."

I frowned, staring at her hesitantly. She crossed her arms, waiting. Finally, I listened to her, crouching down to slam the hair sticks into the soil. They immediately burst up, elongating until they were giant staffs.

The staffs were almost as tall me, with bronze, thorny vines wrapping up them. I gaped at it. I would have never thought this was possible.

"The thorns are made out of celestial bronze, so it will kill monsters, but mortals will be safe." She told me.

I remember what she had told me earlier about celestial bronze and nodded my head. It still seemed unbelievable that I was a demigod, and that I even needed a weapon, let alone owned one.

"This," I grinned, "Is badass."

Brooke laughed and said, "I need to go, but when you want to return them to hair sticks, just slam them back into the ground. I'll see you tonight, alright?"

I nodded distractedly, and she turned to leave. I marveled at the staffs for a couple more seconds before I slammed them back into the ground, causing them to shrink back up. I tossed them back into my pocket and sighed deeply, continuing on my way.

I figured I could explore the camp. Chiron told me I wouldn't have to participate in camp activities until Monday, so I took this chance to familiarize myself with everything, since it was all so new.

Somehow, I find myself next to the strawberry fields. I smiled at the smell. Satyrs were playing flutes and pipes throughout the field, and the scent seemed to swell with the music. I made my way into the field, feeling my bare feet sink into the soil.

Ever since the campfire, I had been walking around with bare feet. It was comforting in such a big time of change.

I found myself up to my knees in strawberry plants. I closed my eyes, swaying along to the music, my fingers tapping against my hip with the rythmn.

I felt the now-familiar pull in my gut. I could feel the strawberries grow higher and higher until they were up to my waist. The music abruptly cut off, but I was caught in the moment and my fingers still danced at my side. The strawberries still grew despite the loss of music and I could hear the satyrs begin to run away.

The strawberries were above my head now.

"What is happening?!" I heard someone demand.

"I don't know!"

"It's the new girl! The flower chick!"

"Her name is Elodie!"

I heard more voices join into the conversation, but I ignored them. I tilted my head, the pull in my gut becoming to much to handle. I gasped at the pain.

"Elodie, stop!" Someone shouted.

The pain was too much and I couldn't focus on anyone. Someone called my name as I doubled over.

"Get her off the ground!" Someone yelled, "Get her feet off the ground!"

I heard someone fighting through the plants behind me and a couple seconds later, I was literally swept off my feet. As soon as I wasn't touching the soil, the pull in my gut lessened and then stopped completely.

I opened my eyes, meeting the gaze of none other than Arsen. The strawberries stopped growing around us and I suddenly became exhausted. I went limp in his arms, my head rolling back.

He looked down at me, amazement in his eyes. He smirked, his eyes sparkling.

"Yes, I definitely want you on my team tonight."

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