Chapter 3: PREVIEW LOL CAUSE IM LAZY \(°^°)/

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{Blueberry's POV}
I started seeing a blur until I woke up, I wasn't in my bed..? I looked around only to see I was cuddling up to the guy to kissed me on the forehead. 'AHHH! I-I-Im sorry!". N-n-nO it-t-'s okay I-I-I don-t-t-t m-mind." he replied. "O-oh o-o-okay..." "Oh! I "NEVER GOT TO INTRODUCE MYSELF!!" "IM THE MAGNIFICENT SANSATONAL SANS!" "But my friends call me Sans." I exclaimed very excited for a response. "I-I-I know there are many of you." "W-what..?"

{Error's POV

Pulling the strings (Blueberry X Error)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora