Chapter 1:An stringed meeting

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{SOME ART IN THIS BOOK WILL BELONG TO ME BUT SOME OF IT WONT. (But mabey I might make a few pics....) Who knowz! BTW Millalivonen made a picture that I really liked so I used it for the cover of this book so give her a round of applause!!!} *Clap clap clap!

{Swap Sans POV}
It was just another day in snowing town and I was having a picnic with my brother Papyrus and some other friends. We went away from the town and sat on a hill and waited for Undyne to arrive while we stared at the stars. After about 12 minutes after looking at the stars I saw a strange black figure and he seemed to be...glowing?
"Huh?" I got very curious so I looked at my brother to talk to him. He was asleep...AGAIN. So I decided to follow It and I mean Papy wouldn't mind if I was gone for a few minutes. (And hey I didn't know if it was a girl or a boy!)

I followed it into the dark forest I was very quiet so I wouldn't scare Him/and or her. "ACK!" Something grabbed me by my feet before I could react. I grabbed the blue strings with my hands that were not tied up... (At the moment they weren't tied up....) Until more blue strings grabbed ahold of my hands and my soul. I looked around but the strings were coming from behind me and because I was upside down I couldn't turn around. Suddenly a figure appeared in front of me. "Ha-HehAH-heh-hhahH-AHah" it said with a scary glitched out voice. He looked scary with his bloodshot red eyes and the "Errors" all over him. "W-WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed at him "L-let m-me go!" I said as he flinched a little. "H-HeH-hEh heH noT Unt-il I-i kno-know a liTt-Le biT
AboUt y-y-yOu.." he said with a smirk. It seemed a little suspicious to me.... But I just went with it because I didn't want to die or who knows what else he was gonna do to hurt me...

"U-u-uhhhh...My name is S-sans... I-i like to make magnificent puzzles.... and I like to make yummy tacos..."I slowly said. "I'm ErR-roR S-s-saNs A-a-And I dEs-dEsToy eVeRythiNg aNd a-a-AnyOne wh-wHo GeTt-Ttt-t-s in My wa-y-Y-y.

I didn't know what to say now so I just went with something casual. "Uhhhh... Your strings are making me really uncomfortable." Aww jeez...that wasn't casual at all... Then I started to squirm out of his strings and I also grouled a little. Suddenly he tightened his strings around me. "Owwwww!" I stopped squirming and he un-tightened his strings a bit.
"I wOulD UsuAlLy crUsh YoU litTtlE S-s-s-Soul iN-Into pIeCes rIgHt n-Now...buT I NevEr th-tHoUght AnY Au O-o-OuT oF AlllLlllLLlllLlllLlLL tHesE stupid U-u-UnIvurSes wAs So cute..." Then he let me free from his strings. "C-C-CUTE?!" I felt my face heating up like a fresh taco from the over and I didn't know what to do so I slapped him and suddenly felt pain and regret and then I felt a slight baby blue blush appear on my cheekbones. "HeH-haHahEh" He looked at my eyes making me feel like he saw me regret, Then he pinned me to a tree where at that point I was to do anything. I felt like a new born helpless puppy dog. As I felt sweat crawling down my face he suddenly kissed me on the forehead! "W-WHY'D Y-YOU D-D-DO THAT?!" I said as I felt my baby blue blush getting warmer. "BeCaUse I'm FallInG for yOu." Then he left into a...portal? I think he mentioned something about... univuses? so I coldn't ask anything else. I ran back to where Sleepy Papyrus and the picnic was and as I ran I just had to re-think what just happened.

I'm leaving the story here so you won't know what might happen next! Or mabey you will if you read this in one week or month or so after this chapter was made....}

Pulling the strings (Blueberry X Error)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora