"Don't you dare try to run away." I heard him say as I walked away. I did my business and got back into my cage. He lift the cage back up and I just let a growl of defeat out.  He waved me goodbye and went back to the camp.

*9th day*

I was dirty and cold. I was bored. Being alone and bored for so long, wasn't good for my brain. I had very different thoughts, good and bad.  I thought about so many things while I was here. During the days here, I tried to crack the cage, I would kick it and punch it with my fist until they bled. Felix would scold me but always bandage my knuckled. While I lay there, I saw a small tiny crack by the door. I quickly got up and examined it closer. With a smile, I started to kick and punch again. The cage swung, making me almost sick, but I didn't stop. And then it finally broke. The door fell to the ground, making me almost fall down within. I inched closer to the opening and looked down. High, so high. I had to jump. I prayed not to break my legs as I jumped. I don't even know how I landed, but it wasn't graceful.  I got up and looked up at the cage, laughing.  Finally free. I had to think fast and move quick before anyone finds out I escaped. 

"Impressive" I heard someone making me already curse everything and everyone. I turned around to see Pan leaning on a tree.  
"No one has ever escaped the cage. Well, we will give you another one" He said with a grin. I shook my head as I stepped back.

"Hell no," I said. "Let's make it a game, if you catch me in the next 5 minutes, I'll go back into the cage." Before he could say anything I ran. I didn't even know why I said what I said, but I was so sick of that cage.  I was running and kept looking behind me, to see Pan right at my feet. I didn't even know how long I was trying to run away, how long he was chasing me for. At a moment, when I looked behind, I tripped. I fell down, slid down the soil and then hit a tree. I groaned in pain. I heard Pan calling my name as he slid down the dirt to me. I looked at myself, and then I realized my shirt was torn, and there was blood.

"Clary!" Pan got to me, and he saw the wound as soon as he kneeled down next to me. He tried to take a closer look, to check the wound, but as soon as he touched my ribs, I winced. He put pressure on the wound with a cloth that just appeared in his hand. 

"We need to get you back to the camp." He said as he took my hand and placedit on the cloth. "Keep putting pressure." He said as he picked me up. I winced as he listed me and started to walk. The pressure I was putting wasn't enough. That's when I realized the wound was deeper than I thought.

"You're bleeding out. We have to teleport. But It will hurt." He warned. I couldn't even pay attention to what was going on anymore.I felt lightheaded. I felt how the air around me changed, and the wound started to burn. The pressure was put on it, but from the inside, making it feel like a burn.  

"William!! Come in Clary's tent now!" Pan screamed and that made me open my eyes. We were back at the camp. We got in my tent and he lied me on my bed carefully.  

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" Pan asked placing his hand on my forehead. 

"I don't think so." I whispered. He put his hand on top of mine, putting more pressure on the wound.

"Yes Pan?" William came into the tent, and as soon as he saw me he rushed to my side.  

"Stich her up." Pan ordered. 

"Why can't you fix her with your magic, it will be faster Pan?" William said as he moved out hands away from my wound so he could have a clear view of it.  

"I said stitch her up." Pan said moving away from me. Will didn't say anything, but he just got to work. He rushed out to get all the equipment he needed.

"I need to get your shirt off," Will said nicely, looking away from me. I nodded and he moved closer to cut through it.  

"Just rip it!" I said through my teeth, and he did. My ribs and belly were covered in blood. Will didn't waste a second and jumped straight to work.



I was on a cliff looking at the sunrise. 

"I knew I would find you here." I smiled and turned around to see Pan smiling wide at me.

"Well this is our place isn't it?" I said as he came to me. 

"Yes, it is." He said and kissed my forehead. I giggled and turned back to watch the sunset. Pan hugged me from behind and I grinned. Then he kissed my cheek. Everything felt right, everything felt at peace. 

Falling For A Villain-Peter Pan- Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now