Chapter 42: Foreboding

Start from the beginning

"That doesn't warrant you girls going off on your own!" Gus barked, making her frown. "I don't like this idea!"

"Gus, please listen to me," Ella muttered. "Amelia is necessary for the trek into the mountains because she's the only one who can track Xaphile, and since I need to be there to settle things with him, we're out of options."

Nobody could deny that she had a good point.

"All right," Octavius said, tired of the argument. "Just be careful. Amelia, I want you to keep an eye on her."

"With pleasure," she trilled. "I believe we can handle it if we work together. You won't have any problems with setting up a campsite along the road, will you? It'll be a bit cold, but at the very least you should make yourselves comfortable while we're gone."

He took in a breath, lifting his chest and filling his lungs with air, then he let it all out with an exasperated sigh. 

"If we must," he admitted. "Listen closely to my instructions. Once you girls get going into the mountains, just keep walking, one step ahead of another. Lift your feet, with your knees; keep going and don't stop."

His command was met with silence. The group was currently trekking down along a winding mountain path through an increasingly darkening pine forest. Gently falling snow had already powdered their clothes, but for the most part, the trek to the turn-off was cold and quiet.

It was deep in the middle of the night once they finally arrived at the fork in the road.

Everyone instantly dismounted their horses, and after all was said and done, the four of them decided to set up camp before eating a midnight lunch.

Once they'd gotten everything set up, Sinmir plopped on the ground and set his back against a tree, Ella and Amelia tended to their horses, and Gus gathered several twigs and branches to start a campfire. 

His brow furrowed when the wood he'd gathered, covered in frost, failed to catch. The other three watched him. 

"You know," Amelia finally murmured, "I can help if you want." 

A look from the frustrated blonde said that he obviously didn't want to hear it.

"Come on, Gus," Ella murmured, frowning at the hunter's stubbornness. "Let her help you."

Gus ignored them. 

When he refused to acknowledge her, Amelia frowned and lifted her finger: her blue eyes flashed as she whispered something inaudible and a jet of yellow-orange flame exploded out of the wood that Gus was trying so hard to light. 

The man let out a yelp, then glared at her.

"Save your energy!" he barked, making her wince. "You'll need it in case of emergencies."


After they had all eaten, both girls stood up and looked at the turn off.

"Are you sure you two want to do this alone?" Sinmir asked, quirking a brow. "It seems a bit dangerous."

"We're more dangerous than most of the dangers up there," Ella snootily retorted. "Don't worry."

 "I'll pray for your safety," Gus sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Good luck, girls."

"Thanks," Amelia murmured, bowing slightly. "We'll return once we manage to find Phil."

"Good," Gus muttered. "Don't get killed... and you watch over Ella. She's proficient with a sword, but she'll get herself in trouble without someone to keep an eye on her."

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