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Chloe's POV

I rocked back and forth nervously and fiddled with the bouquet in my hands as I waited for the music to start to walk down the aisle. Today I am getting married to the love of my life; Leonard McCoy, and I can't help but be nervous. I mean, what bride isn't nervous on her wedding day?

I continued to fiddle with my dress and bouquet until I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. Everything is gonna be perfect." I looked up to see my little brother, Hikaru, standing beside me with a soft grin on his face. "You look gorgeous, by the way." I smiled back at him and wrapped my arms around his middle which he returned almost immediately.

"Chloe, are you ready?" I broke away from my brother at the sound of my soon to be step daughter, Joanna's voice. She doesn't call me mom or anything, which I can understand and respect. I mean, her actual mother does not like me and I wouldn't be surprised if she had talked to Joanna about me and I am the woman who is replacing her mother as her dad's wife.

"Oh, yeah. Lead the way sweetheart." I gestured towards the closed doors. She was, of course, the flower girl and took her job very seriously. It was quite adorable to watch her as she practiced walking up and down the aisle, pretending to throw petals. She opened the doors and began to match down the aisle proudly, scattering rose petals across the ground.

My brother gave me a reassuring smile and linked arms with me. As we walked through the doors and out where all our friends and family could see my eyes locked onto Leonard and my heart leapt up to my throat. He was so handsome in his suit and the black suede cowboy hat and cowboy boots showed that he was, without a doubt, the Leonard that I fell in love with years ago.

Bones' POV

I stood at the alter nervously biting my lip and tapping my foot. I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life. That just goes to prove that my first marriage was doomed from the start, but I know that I am gonna spend the rest of my life with Chloe. I feel things when I am with her that I never did with my ex wife.

I snapped out of my nervous trance when a hand landed on my shoulder. "Bones, buddy. Calm down, I know your eager to see her but honestly, you're gonna chew a hole in your lip." Jim said from beside me. Jim was my best man and the other groomsmen were an old friend of mine from when I lived in Georgia, and Spock. Instead of bridesmaids Chloe's side had Scotty, Chekov, and her brother Sulu (after he gives her away) Uhura couldn't be here because she had family business back home.

Suddenly the room fell silent and the doors opened, my head snapped up to the other end of the room. I smiled as I saw my little girl March out proudly in her flower girl dress and tossing petals about but my heart stopped when Chloe stepped into view. She was practically glowing, her hair framed her face perfectly and her dress hung over her petite frame gracefully. Her smile lit up the entire Church as she walked up to me, her arm looped through Sulu's.

"I'm watching you pal, treat her right." Sulu teased when they reached the alter.

"Yes sir." I nodded. He smiled and kissed Chloe's cheek before letting go of her arm and taking his place beside Scotty. "You look absolutely gorgeous darlin'." She blushed and took my hand, standing at my side and facing the priest.

The ceremony seemed to go by quickly, Chloe and I speaking when we needed to until it came time for our vows.

"Chloe, when we met three years ago in med bay on the Enterprise, I had sworn I had seen an angle and to this day I have not once found any reason to believe otherwise. You are my reason to get up in the mornin' and the reason I can sleep at night. I love you to the edge of the galaxy and back." Tears were brimming in her eyes as I slipped her ring on her finger. She cleared her throat and prepared to say her vows as she took my ring in her hand.

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