She said Yes! (Part 2)

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She looks so fragile..I thought to myself, as I flip the photo and read the note.

A long time ago, there is a girl that's living in a far far away land. Her name was Cara. Everyone thought that Cara, is happy with everything that she have, the clothes, the fame, the money and all. Everyone thought that she is beyond perfection. Ever single person that she met love her dearly because of the good vibes that she's giving. But what everyone didn't know is that, Cara is sad and lonely. Yes she have everything that anyone can ask for, but deep inside her heart, there is something that's missing.


Please, don't cry. I'm not there to wipe your tears so please princess, don't. This is just the beggining and I'm sure that I'm okay now. I'm better. Scratch that, actually, I'm feeling great. This is the greatest I've ever been and all thanks to you. Please wipe your tears already and look for the white balloon :*

I can almost feel tears flowing down my eyes the moment I had read what is written in the note. I was indeed right, this picture was taken when she's still looking for herself. When she still feels like the world isn't a good place to live. Just by thinking of it, my heart started to ache so bad.

I wish I met you earlier than I actually did. I wish I was there with you when you hated yourself. I wish I was there to take the pain away. I wish I was there tell you that you are the most amazing and wonderful person that I've ever met. I thought to myself, as I wipe my tears away. I turn my gaze around and look for the next balloon.

I grabbed it and smiled when I saw what's in the picture. This photo was taken the first time we met. It was our first picture together. I remembered how she asked me shyly to have a picture with her. She was so cute and blushing the moment I wrapped my arms around her and smiled widely at the camera. She was stunned and I bet she didn't expect me to be that clingy.

I never thought that she already had a huge crush on me that time. I smiled with that thought and turn the picture around to read the note.

One day, the lonely girl was forced to attend a party. The party where other people from their place will go to and it was far from home. Cara isn't fond of the idea, but she was left with no choice. At the party she met a princess named Kendall. Kendall was the true definition of perfect, she was beyond beautiful and hell she's amazing. She's one of a kind Cara thought and she had no idea, that meeting this princess will forever change her life.


Look for the orange one, princess :)

I can feel my cheeks burning as I read Cara's handwriting.

"She's so sweet! How did she prepare all of this?" I asked to myself, as I do what the note says and when I saw the orange balloon, I grabbed it and immidiately look for the picture.

I smiled widely as I remembered the story behind this picture. It was our picture taken the first time we went out together, a week after the party. She asked me over the phone if I wanted to hang out with her and go to that yogurt shop she wanted to visit because it's the only time that she's available and that she wanted to hang out with me before she goes back to London. I instantly agreed as I really wanted to hang out with her too. The media went crazy when they saw the two of us hanging around. I can still remember how Cara held my hand as she protect me from the papparazis harassing us. I can still remember how my heart started to beat abnormally wen she did that. I knew deep inside that there is something about this crazy things that I'm feeling, but I'm just to dumb to noticed it.

LuckyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ