The Beginning

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I had sex before I even knew what it was. I was about teen or eleven when it happened. I remember him kissing me in the back of the car. It felt good but the experience wasn't like what I usually saw on television. We were about the same age, he was older than me by a couple of months. He was actually my cousin. He would always come over my house almost every Sunday after church to play video games with me, But this particular Sunday was different. While waiting patiently in the back seat of my mother's car his lips press against mine as he began to slowly work his hand between my thighs. It was something I had never felt anything like it before, but it felt amazing. Soon after we immediately stopped while noticing my mom was head back to the car the with large load of groceries.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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