Chapter four

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 "Dear thing. Come forward." Genice said somewhat pleasantly.

Without thinking Camden started walking to her. Struggling with herself. That's how I know Genice was using her ability. Staring at Genice, I locked on how she used her power and began mimicking it. Using my mind power, to move Camdon back to me. It took some time, but I won the battle of mind control.

Genice growled at me and sent a signal to come attack. She was getting frustrated, but not as much as I was that she actually showed up.

Every vampire, so like a hundred give or take a few, ran over to us. They had an advantage, they were all full except me. My disadvantage, my blade has been missing for a few years and my best friend, Chance, made it his lifetime mission to find it.

"Camdon, I need you to run to the boat. As fast as you can, start it. And drive to the middle of the water. Wait for me." I instructed giving her a push in the direction of it. She listened and took off, going pretty fast for a human. I looked at the crowd and sighed. So much for getting there alive.

Running into battle, I attacked some, dodged others, and threw some. They were all coming too fast and without my blade I wasn't going to make it out of there alive.

Someone pushed their way through the crowd and threw something my way. Without thinking I catched it and smiled when I noticed what it was. Sensing another power pushing itself my way, I welcomed it. Using the new ability, I made a tornado and sucked half of the crowd away. They'll be back in a couple minutes.

"Chance! You ass!" I exclaimed hacking away at some people as I walked in the direction atmokinesis was coming from.

"I had to seek the blade that kept you alive. Being only half really makes you a target, Dangerous!" He yelled, ripping someone's throat out.

"Yeah, I could have made a new one. It on-" I started stabbing someone through the chest.

"And you haven't. That blade means life to you." Chance interrupted, throwing someone's leg into another.

Grunting as I knew he was right, but also fighting for my life. I tried thinking of a suitable answer for the man.

"Well old man, it's literally my family" I started ducking under someone while poking the tip into their temple.

"Only four years older. Anyway, who's the girl?" Chance mumbled taking a few people out at once.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. I saved her for some reason but I have no clue why." I said not giving the specifics.

"Detail, later. So going to visit the family I see." Chance observed as I threw him my blade and launched myself over him, while grabbing it back to kill more.

"I know bad choice. But I need answers. She's driving my thirst through the roof. She's always scared or nervous, excited, I don't know but her scent is luring me in." I explained taking a deep breath as we were done.

By now, Genice had fled the scene and the tornado I had driven was gone. Maybe Chance's doing. I leashed my blade in its travel case, and threw it over my back.

"But an island of vampires." Chance tried to reason.

"It's where I come from, and the only place where I can get the answers I need." I concluded.

"I'm coming with you. You're going to need all the help you can get." Chance added.

"That's my 500 year old best friend I know and love." I cheered.

"And that's my 126 year old best friend I know and want to drain." He cheered as well.

"I'll stab you if you lay your fangs in my skin." I warned.

"I know." He laughed.

Well here we are taking a boat with a hybrid, human and vampire to a island full of them. This is a one and a lifetime Dangerous Chance. Just like the old days.

"Come on, Chance. I have blood bags on the boat." I said.

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