Picture Perfect

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Chester's POV

I came downstairs and saw Grace still laying on the couch. I snuck up behind the couch and watched as she spilled the remaining broth onto her shirt. While it wasn't a lot she seemed to freak out, jumping up quickly and cursing under her breath. "You should go get changed." I said copying her words from a few minutes ago. She glared at me, then went upstairs to get changed. I followed her upstairs and into the bedroom as she took my sweater off that she had adopted as her own. I looked in her side of the closet and pulled out one of her merch sweatshirts and handed it to her. "Thanks." She said. She pulled the shirt over her head and smoothed it out. I came up behind her in the mirror and wrapped my arms around her torso. I leaned my head up against her shoulder and she put her head to rest on mine.

"You know what would make this picture perfect? I mean in like a movie or something. Not necessarily us." She rambled on. I smiled knowing she only spoke like this when she wanted to say something that you never hear coming out of her mouth. Usually she would say something romantic or family oriented... "What would that be?" I asked. She looked at her stomach in the mirror and then looked back up. "In the movies they usually have these scenes when the girl is pregnant. But not like a month like 6 or 7 months." I looked at Grace who was staring at the floor. "Just wait a few months. " she smiled.

"You didn't get any soup on the couch did you?" I asked steering the conversation away. "If I did Goose probably cleaned it up by now." She joked. I smiled. I found myself looking at something id never thought I'd be looking at. Grace's stomach. I could imagine it growing with every passing day. I stood up and dropped my hands to my side but Grace's hands caught them before they could do so.

She picked them up and placed them in her hands resting on her stomach. I noticed her look down at the scene. "Lets go back downstairs baby. Lets enjoy the rest of the day." I said patting her stomach. When she didn't move, her eyes mesmerised by her stomach, I tightened my grip around her torso. Feeling her body heat radiating I picked her up and she squealed. She kicked her arms and legs as I walked out of the room with her. "What are you doing?!" She yelled. I grabbed her legs and spun her so that I was carrying her like I usually do. I threw her over the back of the couch and she landed on the other side.

Grace's POV

I grabbed the blanket and covered myself with it as Chester sat down beside me. I cuddled up next to him and he wrapped his arm around me. I could tell something was on his mind but I didn't want to bother him. I looked out the window as the storm continued. The lights began to flicker and then everything turned off. "I thought you turned the generator on." I said to Chester. "I did. It might be dead." He said. "Well we should probably do something that isn't staring at a black screen. "I'm staring at something beautiful. I don't know what you're looking at." He said looking at me. I glared at him and turned on my phone. I didn't know what to do. I just put my password in and stared at the home screen. "You alright there?" Chester asked. "I-I I don't know what to do." I said, seemingly in a trance, staring at the photo of Goose and I on my screen. Chester moved closer and slowly slipped the phone out of my hands, setting it on the table beside him.

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