The End

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WARNING: This chapter is a little bit inappropriate at one point so please skip ahead when you see two blacks squiggles if you are uncomfortable. Two black squiggles will indicate that you may start reading again, if you do skip through.

Chester's POV

"Grace, no. Don't think like that. I love you so much Grace. Don't say that."

The waiter came with the bill and I put the money down. He took the tray back and came back with a few bills. I thanked the waiter and I stood up. Grace put her napkin down and got up as well. I pushed her chair in and we walked out the door. We walked in silence back to the car. I opened her door and she got in. I got in the car and rested my hands on the steering wheel. "Grace, I know I'm the cause of this. Let me fix it. How do I fix this?" I pleaded with her. "Chester drive back to the hotel please." She said. "Grace I'm not losing you. We just got married."

"THATS THE PROBLEM CHESTER!! EVER SINCE WE GOT MARRIED EVERYTHING WENT DOWNHILL AND I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!! I TRIED TO BE HAPPY AND WANT A KID FOR YOU!! NOW THAT WE AREN'T GOING TO HAVE ONE I'M GOING TO HAVE TO TRY AGAIN!! NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE IS IT?! EVEN WHEN WE ARE BACK AT HOME I'M ALWAYS GOING TO KNOW YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED IN ME!! I'M SORRY IF I DON'T WANT A KID!! Maybe I'm not the person you were suppose to marry." She said the last part quietly. Grace opened her door and walked out. I quickly got out of the car and saw her walking into the park. I locked the car and ran after her. "Grace!" She kept walking but I was only a few steps behind her now. "Grace." I grabbed her hand and turned her around. There were tears streaming down both of our faces. "Grace you are the one I'm suppose to marry. Sure we are going to have ups and downs but it doesn't matter to me as long as at the end of the day I get to fall asleep next to you. You understand me? You are what I want. A child is a gift."

Grace looked around at all of the people. "Chester... I'm having a panic attack. I can't breathe." She said struggling for air. "Grace its okay, just breathe, it'll be alright." I moved her to a bench and we sat down. She rested on my arm and tried to gain control of her breathing. "It's going to be fine, I got you." I wrapped her in a hug and leaned back on the bench. "I'll never let you go." I sat there as Grace tried to calm down, rocking her back and forth, singing just loud enough so that only she could hear. I could hear her breathing slow down "Are you okay?" I whispered. She nodded her head. "Can we stay?" I heard her whisper. "Anything for you." I took my blazer off and put it around Grace's bare arms and we watched as all the people walked by. "I promise when we go home things will be different Grace. I know its stressful for you, it will all be better though. I promise." I whispered close to her ear. "I'm sorry I can't give you what you want." She said. "You are what I want." I said. She sat up and looked at me. She quickly moved closer pressing her lips to mine. I moved my hand to her face, and kissed her back. "You make me the happiest husband in the world." I whispered pressing my forehead to hers. "Clearly you don't remember 30 minutes ago." She responded. "You are the best wife I could've asked for. Thank you for marrying me."
"Thank you for putting up with me." I leaned in and kissed her ignoring the people around us. I pulled away and offered Grace my hand. She picked up my blazer and we walked to the car. I opened the door and she got in. As I was about to walk across to the drivers side a man came running up to me. "Excuse me sir!" I turned around as this man slowed down walking up to me. "You dropped this." He handed me a picture. Our wedding picture. I always kept it in the pocket of my blazer closest to my heart. "Thank you so much." I took the picture and placed it back in the right pocket. "How long have you two been married?" He asked. "2 weeks. Its tougher than it looks." He laughed. "You guys look picture perfect to me sir." I smiled. "I'm glad. Chester See." I held my hand out and he shook it firmly. "Harper Jackson. Very nice to meet you Mr. See." He said, stepping back. "Very nice to meet you too Mr. Jackson. Have a good night." He nodded his head and I got in the car.

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