"Actually, do you think you can come by after school? It's rather important."

I was about to say, 'even more alone time with you,' but stopped. His eyes turned so serious, I had to look away. I simply nodded and left for my next class.

When the final bell rang, ending the school day, I made my way to his room. I couldn't stop wondering what it was he wanted to talk about.

By the time I was standing outside his door, he was already there and opened it for me, allowing me into his quiet room. I felt the tension in the air between us instantly.

The man sighed and ended up grabbing an extra chair to drag behind his desk. I stared, knowing what he wanted was for me to sit. Instead, I just stood there and waited. I was enjoying this rare occurrence of him out of his comfortable state. He made his way to his own chair behind his desk and sat, looking up towards me by the door. "Would you please sit down?"

I smirked and made my way to his desk and sat in the chair he pulled up for me. Turning his chair so we were now facing each other, he looked hesitant to say anything. So I was the first to speak.

"You know, you have really been creeping me out lately, and I need to be somewhere soon," I said at his constant silence.

"I know," he whispered as he leaned forward, searching my eyes. "Your job. You're asking for a raise today."

It wasn't a question. His eyes asked for understanding but... understanding for what? How could he know that I was going to be asking for a raise today? "How did you know—?"

I abruptly stood, realizing why his stares started to feel more intense lately. Why his whole expression when he looked at me would change. Yesterday, it really intensified when I came to grab my phone after school. He appeared shaken up from that point to now.

He knew. He read my texts. They were all there.

I acted without even thinking. I took a step towards where he was sitting and slapped his beautiful face. He looked at me with lips slightly parted, shocked that I did that.

"You read my messages?! Do you have any idea what you have done to me?" I hissed in a hard breath, completely forgetting this was my teacher. Instead, I remembered all those terrible threats my dad made if anybody were to find out my secret.

How could he have done this? How did I deserve this? Could Mr. Rush even legally do that? And why the hell would he read my text messages to begin with? I didn't think I bothered him that much.

It was not my lucky day today. On cue, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and it made my eyes snap at attention to my teacher. I didn't know if he went to the cops yet. If he did, I could literally be dead.

His hard gaze found my pocket then looked back up to my eyes. With persistence and a goal in that gaze too. I knew he wanted to know more answers. I knew he also wanted to see my phone at that exact second. It didn't help that my heart was pounding. After all, I just slapped the dude.

"I can imagine that's your father, isn't it?" he asked in a hard voice, eyes narrowing on mine. All I wanted to do was run and make the door my destination. I might have done it too if I didn't just step out of line and smack him in the face. Even more so, I might have ran if I knew he wouldn't go to the police.

"Yeah," I said, and I could feel my entire body tense up.

He nodded curtly, staring up at me from where he was sitting. He had no more tolerance. "Sit down," he said with a stern voice. A voice so on edge. It turned him into someone with dreams and opinions. Feelings. I never heard him speak like that before. Seeing me sit down now, I could tell he felt much more at ease and in control. To be honest, though, I was more surprised he didn't do more after I slapped him.

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