chapter fourteen // alone

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~Brooke's POV

Jacob has been gone for two days and it's been so boring. Honestly, I really miss him. I didn't think I would be so upset but I am. But he kept his word and he has called me for those two days he's been gone. I haven't really left my room since he left and if I tell him that, he'd probably get mad at me. The truth is, I don't have any friends. After I met Jacob, Haylee, my ex-friend now, just stopped talking to me. She said that she was mad because all I did was hang out with jacob, which is a lie. I tried calling her and sitting with her at lunch but she ignored me or walked away. So, fuck that bitch, fuck that bitch, fuck that bitch! (read in rhythm as the song FDB for the full effect lmao)

"BROOKE! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. Ughhhh fuck.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and I see my mom standing against the counter, with an angry expression on her face and crossed arms. Um what the fuck?

"What's up?" I asked, nonchalantly.

"So your friend just stopped by earlier and left some interesting news.."

"Who was it and what was the news?"

"Haylee came by and told me you snuck out last night and went to a party! And you were drinking too?!" She yelled. That bitch!

"What?? And you believe her!"

"Don't raise your voice at me!"

"Mom, I was in my room all day! There was no party last night!"

"Mhm right, you're grounded. Go to your room. Don't ask me to go anywhere."

"Whatever, I didn't plan on going anywhere anyways." I scoffed.

"Oh really, what about your little boyfriend?" She said, in a mocking tone.

"He's in California." I said, halfway up the stairs.

"Good, I don't like him anyways."

"You're just mad that I'm in a good relationship and dad left you." I said, coldly with no regrets before going back upstairs.

I know you think I'm harsh but she deserves it. First of all, I didn't go anywhere last night. I was in my room thinking about Jacob all day. Second, how dare she mock my relationship! Let her think about it, while I'm "grounded."

Just then, I get a text from Jacob.

**Text Convo**

Jacob: hey babe
Brooke: hey.
Jacob: how are you?
Brooke: im okay I guess
Jacob: what happened? :(
Brooke: my mom grounded me
Jacob: what, why??
Brooke: she thinks I snuck out to go to a party last night and that I was drinking.
Jacob: why would she think that?
Brooke: remember Haylee?
Jacob: yes.
Brooke: apparently she came over and told my mom that.
Jacob: wow. That bitch.
Brooke: ikr. So now I can't go out, not that I was going to anyways.
Jacob: don't say that..
Brooke: I miss you already
Jacob: I miss you tooooooo
Brooke: so how did I go?
Jacob: oh yeah, we got a new record deal with Streamline Records ANDDDD we started our first track
Brooke: aww that's great, I'm proud out you guys.
Jacob: thanks baby, I'll text you later. Love you.
Brooke: okay love you too bye. :)

**End Of Text Convo**

I threw my phone down and decided to just go to bed. I don't care about my mom or anything except Jacob. Fuck friends, all they do is hurt you anyways. As long as I have my baby, I'll be alright.

5 more days till I can see my baby again.

~Jacob's POV

"Jacob man come on! We have to finish this track." Prod yells from the booth.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I yelled back.

"Jacob, I know you miss her but come on, we have a busy schedule right now." How did he know I was texting her? "I know everything, bro, trust me."


"Okay man, whatever. Let's just finish this song so I can go back to the hotel." I mumbled.

3 boring hours later, we finished our second  song. Don't get me wrong, this is all I ever wanted in life. I love singing and being with my boys. But, I wish I didn't have to be so far from Brooke.

"Hey, Jacob. Can we talk to you before we leave?" Ray asks.

"Sure, what's up?"

"We think you should break up with Brooke." Roc says.

"What? Why?" I asked in shock.

"Because all you think about is her. We need you focused on the music and fame. She's only holding you back." Prod says, bluntly.

"Don't you guys see I'm happy with her?! Why would you even suggest that!" I yelled.

"Bro, we're only trying to do what's best for our careers." Ray said. At this point, I was so angry that I could punch him in his face.

"You know what? You guys are so selfish! All you think about is yourselves." I growled.

"Well, you're being selfish too then! We can't do this without you and all you care about is your relationship!" Prod yells in my face. I pushed him out my face and he sat down.

"Y'all supposed to be my boys. My homies. I thought you would be happy for me because of my past relationships." I mumbled the last part.

"It's not our fault you chase off every girl you date. You either break their heart or act super protective. That's how you're gonna loose Brooke." Roc spat.

I lost it after that. I fucking lost it.

I charged towards Roc and punched him right in the nose. He fell down and Ray immediately ran to his side. Prod just stood there, shaking his head at me.

"All over a girl." He mumbled but I heard him.

"Well, Prodigy, I love my girlfriend and I care about her. I'm not gonna break her heart just so you guys can be happy. Fuck what Roc says. Y'all just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend. Why can't I be happy for once? Is that too much to ask for?" I spat before I leave the room, leaving them all to stand there like idiots.

I can't believe how selfish they are. I'm never gonna break her heart. I just can't wait to go back and see my baby. It feels good to have someone to call baby. Fuck Prodigy, Ray Ray, and Roc Royal.

I went back to the hotel alone and just went straight to bed. I probably won't get much sleep tonight, considering the big argument I just had with the boys. I always end up thinking about my day when I'm tryna sleep.

5 more days till I see my baby.



This took me all day to write and it's kinda just a filler. I'll get into the good stuff next chapter, don't worry.



Thanks for reading!

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