chapter two // reunited

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~Brooke's POV

I've been going to this school for a week now and I'm kinda getting used to it. I even made a new friend. Her name is Haylee, she's really nice and was welcoming for my first few days.

This Jacob kid who stopped me in the hall this week, I'm wondering about him. I had an old friend who looks just like him. Could that be him? No, what am I talking about.

Anyways, it's lunch time and I asked Haylee to get me some McDonald's. She should be back soon. In the mean time, I sat alone at a table. I glanced across the cafeteria to see Jacob and his friends. Should I go over there?

Without thinking, I walked over to their table.

Brooke, what is wrong with you?

"um...hi" one boy with two braids spoke.

"Hey, I'm Brooke." I smiled.

"Oh I know you!" Jacob and another boy spoke at the same time.

They stared at each other. I laughed.

"I'm chresanto. You can call me Roc or Chres." he said smiling.

I looked over to Jacob to see him rolling his eyes.

"Who gave you that necklace?" Jacob blurted out. I was shocked at his question.

" old friend gave it to me before he moved. He moved to New York." I said the last sentence slowly.



"Wait a minute...." he dug into his pocket and pulled out a necklace, almost identical to mine.

He put his next to mine, and the pieces clicked perfectly.

Suddenly I had a flashback.

"So this is it. You're leaving today." Brooke said with tears brimming her eyes.

"Hey, don't cry. We'll see each other again."

"Sorry, I just can't help it." She said wiping her eyes. He pulled her into a hug.

"I want to give you something." He dug into his pocket and pulled out to necklaces. Each one had a half of a heart. He handed one to Brooke.

"I want you to wear this everyday so you will remember me and love me forever." He said putting his on. Brooke put hers on as well.

"Goodbye Jacob." Her voice was shaky.

"Goodbye means forever. And I promise you we will meet again. So, see you soon." He said as he hopped into his car.

"See you soon, Jacob. I love you." She waved.

"I love you too, Brooke. Don't forget about me!" He yelled back.

And then he was gone.

Seems like he had the same flashback as I did because he stood up and gave me a hug.

"I missed you, Brooke." he smiled.

"I missed you too."

"Okay, that's enough now!" I heard a high-pitched voice yell.

I spun around and saw a girl. She was dark-skinned and had long brown hair. She was really pretty too.

Jacob quickly pushed me out of his arms and sat back down.

Just at this time, I got a text from Haylee saying: 'I got the food, where r u?'

I found her at an empty table and walked over.

"Hey where were you?" she said pulling her food out of the bag.

"Um..I was looking for something." I lied.

"Oh..okay. Here's your food." she said handing me the bag.

I took out my small fries and a water. Yeah I know you're probably thinking why I only have fries and water.

Well that's nothing you have to worry about.

I ate my food quickly and threw away my trash. Jacob must of saw me and got up too.

Oh god no, go sit back down please.

He slid me a piece of paper and smiled. He walked back to his table and I walked back to mine. I looked at the paper and it read:

Call me when you get a chance: 516-2**- 41**

I smiled and put the paper in my pocket.

~Jacob's POV

Wow, I missed her. She looks so beautiful.

"Who was that." my girlfriend spat.

"Nobody, Jasmine. Relax." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever Jacob." She scoffed, leaving the table.

I can't deal with her attitude much longer.


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