How the devil do I respond to that? I felt distressed. I mean, that was something huge to keep from my family and Dom. Is she for real? Is it even possible? I had to control my thoughts, they must not know.

I got up from my computer and took a few deep breaths while I walked around my room. I can do this. Surely, even if they find out, they won't do anything?

I sat back down and felt guilty- I had become the little kid stealing cookies from the jar. I thought about it- might as well take the whole damn thing.

Dearest Issy,

I don't hate you. I could never do that. I understand why your family left. I don't think that Mike is mine anymore. I feel like I have lost him completely. My heart aches so much when I think about how we were before I went away to Italy, before Acacia came into the picture. But when the accident happened and I saved him in his wolf form, he looked absolutely revolted by the thought of what I am. The look shattered my heart into pieces, Mike was my first real love, and just because I am a vampire, his entire perspective of me changed. I would love to have him back in my life but I don't think he'll even miss me. He is betrothed just as I am. While I was away in Italy, he seemed to get close with her. Acacia is just plain evil, and she has a sugar-sweet voice that would cause fairies to vomit. I don't blame him for any of this though- I got to know your brother better at that time. When I came back I wasn't certain of anything- let alone which of the males in my life suited me best. All I wanted to do was have my life back the way it was. I wanted Mike and I watching bad monster movies, and talking about the things to come. But Mike hated all the dates we went on- except for when he chose Blade. Clearly it was a precursor to what was to come. Maybe he knew all along that I was a vampire. He ignored me more than anything when she was around. I don't think I stood a chance, and now, it is even less. It hurt me so badly to see his face look that way after I had saved his life. I've not heard from him since. I just don't understand how he can so easily push me out of his life. Do you think that there is any way for all of this to work out? Perhaps it is all for the better. He's in his world and I'm in mine. I do miss him though – even if we don't see eye to eye on most stuff, I do miss my best friend, and the guy I fell so hard for. God, it's hard to admit that. Anyways, if things go as planned, we'll be sisters and I'll make sure they learn to accept you for who you are … and who you choose to love- something I did not get to chose. I've missed you, Issy. I'm glad you wrote me. I'll try really hard to keep this a secret I know how hard opposition can be and it's good to know that some people have learned to live in harmony. Anyways, I have to go now. Just so you know, I'll try with Mike, it may be hard, but my heart won't let me give up on him just yet. Take care of yourself and write to me when you want.

Love always,


I wonder if I could really reach him? If I've not really lost him to the wolves completely? My heart filled with hope and possibilities, but I felt the tug of Dom on my thoughts as well. It was so hard to try and sort through what I was feeling and the choices I had before me.

I thought about it for a minute and then let it slip from my mind. I really didn't want to explain to my parents and Dom why I was thinking about getting in contact with my old werewolf boyfriend. I really miss him.

I sat around in my room and stared up at the ceiling where I had placed hundreds of plastic glow-in-the-dark stars in the shapes of the constellations. My mind was blank and my room was dark- it didn't stop Dom from finding me. He tapped lightly on the door and came in.

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