anything to stop her from thinking of what state she might find baekhyun in.

warm tears slid down her cheeks. she hated how easily she could cry. but all she wanted was to know that baekhyun was okay, and to feel his tight embrace, strong arms wrapped around her.

god, please be okay.

where could he be? roma thought for a moment that she could try his apartment. stupid idea, of course he wouldn't be there. her frayed mind searched frantically for a logical solution, a logical response to what she needed to do.

fingers tapped nervously on the steering wheel.

she bit her lip.

breathe. just breathe.



eventually, roma managed to escape the winding corners and streets, leaving the small town behind. something made her keep going, the pulsing of her blood or the hammering of her heart. stars filled the navy expanse of the deepening sky, unmoving, still, offering some form of consolation to her frantic state.

the road was long and empty. no cars in sight. roma could feel herself being tugged forward--although she wanted to stop, she couldn't. a vast sea of nothing lay either side of her. she clutched tighter onto the steering wheel.

"please be okay," she whispered in repetition. over and over and over again.

shut her eyes momentarily.

"be okay."

a soft breeze ran through her long hair through the sunroof.

in the distance, as she advanced forwards, a bright, neon sign shone against the horizon. her attention grew, as she shifted to the right slightly. her eyes pierced the area, noticing the petrol station and the small diner.

something made her decision.

she indicated, turning off the main motorway. her limbs shook, her breath falling from her mouth in an uneven and shaky gasp. neon blare ignited her senses, bright pink and red. her eyes opened fully, aware, analysing her surroundings.

figures moved in the window of the small store and the diner adjacent to it. the lights were on. she parked the car badly, the concrete scraping beneath her, mind focused more on the thumping in her chest, telling her that he must be near.

lights no longer mattered.

her black trainers thundered against the pavement.



the diner was secluded and quiet; the sun sat lazily along the strip of yellow horizon, filtering in through the boxy blinds. warm smell of coffee--a smell she loved and welcomed, calmed her--wafted around the room.

the décor of the diner suited a cheap, '50s style, fit with brightly-coloured wallpaper, elvis posters and little quirky sayings, as well as a few american-looking license plates. the whole building looked so out of place, compared to the rising sun and the scent of the mediterranean sea. small, orange lamps hung from the crumbling plaster, the yellow wallpaper reflecting the mild sunlight.

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