Chapter 29 - Flying Lessons

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Storm's POV
"If that's what it will take to earn my forgiveness fully, then teach you I shall. Come, let's go outside" Rico beamed, holding his hand out for me to take.

He seems very enthusiastic about this... With a shrug, I took his hand. What do I have to lose?


Learning to fly was harder than I expected. I thought I'd flap my wings and that would be it. I didn't realise it would be so tiring and difficult. It was like learning to walk all over again, not that I can remember that.

I feel like a baby trying -and failing- to take their first steps. I'd make it a couple of metres above the ground before I'd lose my balance and end up on my ass, much to Rico's amusement.

Being the uncoordinated person I am, I couldn't wrap my head around steering. I could flap my wings at the same time, but when it came to trying to turn I was at a loss. I usually ended up hurtling towards the ground. But thankfully, Rico was always their to catch me.

Well, I say catch me, but it was more like he was a soft landing for me. He'd try and catch me, but we'd both end being thrown backwards by the speed I crashed into him at. He never got frustrated or angry, though. He'd always grin at me and tell me to try again.

We worked on my flying lessons for hours. I didn't realise how much energy it took, flying. My whole body, including my new wings, ached and I felt completely drained. The next time I sent me and Rico flying I just remained in his arms, too tired and comfortable to move.

"Baby, are you alright?" He asked softly, to which I groaned and snuggled closer to the warmth of his chest in response. Chuckling, he made his wings visible and wrapped them around me, cocooning my body within the confined of his.

"I think that's enough flying practice for today. Let's do something else, seeing as you're so tired out. Here," he said, motioning to the space between his wings on his back, "Climb on, I'll give you a tour of my domain within The Beyond. And if we land, do not leave my side for anything, I may be the only Demon Prince in the area but I'm not the only inhabitant, and your scent is intoxicating..." He trailed off, shaking his head as if to clear some other thoughts he didn't want to voice at the present time.

I did as he asked, fighting the urge to ask him what he was thinking about. I knew he probably didn't want to tell me yet, so I let it slide. Holding onto his shoulders and wrapping my legs tightly around his waist, we took off.

Before becoming a demon, I could only see swirling darkness everywhere except the room I was located in. Rico told me that was because only demons can navigate The Beyond. Now that I'm a demon, I can see that The Beyond isn't the scary, dark place I once believed it to be.

It was actually more beautiful than The Near. The colours were brighter, the grass was greener and the animals were more friendly and trusting. It was truly wonderful.

The shock on my face at this realm's beauty seemed to amuse Rico a great deal, as he chuckled lightly when he looked back at me and saw my expression. "Don't be so surprised, baby. When myself and the other Greater Demons came here, we were Angels. We only lost sight of the light as we had to accept darkness into our hearts in order to stay here and help the lost souls make it to The Far" he told me, seemingly proud of his job.

I smiled and hugged him tighter. "You do an amazing job, Rico. It's hard to believe you're a demon sometimes"

"Yeah, well you'll believe it when I take you, baby. I'm a demon in bed"

My face flushed for the millionth time and I buried my face in his back. Of course I knew he would be the dominant, it couldn't be any other way. But the way he's so forward makes the heat rise to my face, as well as making other things rise...

I hope he can't feel that...

"Seems you've got a bit of a problem down there, and only from my words. I can't wait to see what my hands can do to you" he said with a dark chuckle, clearly imagining me in lots of dirty situations. I reached forward and smacked his head lightly.

"You're supposed to be showing my your domain, not trying to get into my pants!"

I felt his body vibrate with another laugh. "Yeah, well I can do both at the same time. Come on, we can do this another day. Let's head home"

He turned around, leaving me no room to object. Looks like we're going home, then.


I stared in awe at his- our home, properly taking it in for the first time. It's so big and grand, I feel really out of place... 

"I'd close that cute little mouth of yours before I find another use for it" Rico hissed, leaning down to gently nip my ear with his teeth, an action he knew made me want him more, and badly.

It took me a moment to understand the meaning behind what he said, and when I did my cheeks flared up an embarrassing shade of red yet again and I felt myself stiffen ever so slightly.

"Damn you, Rico..." I mumbled, silently cursing him with ever word I knew. I shifted uncomfortably, hoping he wouldn't notice my small 'problem' that he had caused. I'd just got rid of the last one! Stupid hormones, now is not the time!

"Oh? That's so cute, did I cause that? Horny little Thunderstorm, if mere words effect you, how will I physically effect you?" He whispered into my ear, the lust in his voice was unmistakable.

He rolled me back over in his arms, so my stomach up, was facing him. And my semi-hard on was revealed to his hungry eyes. I willed it to go back down, but my body wouldn't listen. Gazing into Rico's eyes only made it worse.

"Mine" he growled, trailing a single finger over the tent forming in my pants. A gasp forced its way past my trembling lips.

I want him so bad. I need him so bad.

"Rico, please!"

His eyes snapped back into focus, the lust dissipating. He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Storm, but unless you want me to take you right now, out here in the open, I suggest you stop using that needy voice of yours" he smirked, planting a small kiss on my lips.

"But I need you" I whimpered, burying my face into his chest and inhaling his scent.

"But I want you to be completely ready, baby"

I growled impatiently, causing him to look smug in response. "Well then, I'm going to take you now, if you'll agree to be fully mated to me for eternity" Rico said in a husky voice. I smiled, knowing I was the cause.

"Yes, Rico. I'll become yours, forever"

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