Chapter 4 - Taken

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Storm's POV
The second I realised what he was, I scrambled to my feet and sprinted for the door. I was still weak from the ritual, but I need to get away, I need to get a-

He was a lot faster than me, to my dismay. I had barely made it three strides before he grabbed my wrist, yanking me violently backwards into his awaiting arms.

"Ah ah ah, where do you think you're running off to, little warlock?" He hissed into my ear, wrapping his arms around me. The power he emitted was so intense that it made me want to fall to my knees and surrender myself to him, but I was never going to do that. Ever.

I didn't answer his question, instead I began to chant the banishment ritual. But in my weak state, I was in no shape to perform such a powerful spell meant for at least five warlocks. Hell, I couldn't even do it in a group if I was at full strength, I'm still too young and inexperienced! But at wasn't going to stop me from trying.

"We're not going to have any of that nonsense, little one" he laughed, smothering the spell by grabbing my hands. Smirking at me, he pushed me down so my back was against the floor and he was on top of me, asserting his dominance. Showing me who was in charge.

I turned my face away from him, not wanting to look into his red irises any longer. I realised my mistake too late as I felt him push his face into my exposed neck, inhaling deeply.

Now I was in one of the most submissive positions possible, with a greater demon on top of me. I'm not sure how to get out of this, but I'm not going to lay here waiting to died.

"Father!" I yelled, praying somebody, anybody, would hear me. My eyes stung with tears, but I fought them back. I couldn't show any further weakness in front of this demon. I can't appear any weaker than I did now, or it would all be over for me.

"Do that again, and I'll kill them all" he hissed, shutting me up instantly. I'd already lost grandma, I couldn't bear to lose anyone else... "Good boy" he cooed, making me tense up immediately.

I'd never seen a demon in my life, and I wish I never had. But now, there's an extremely powerful one pressing it's body against mine.

"I think I'm going to take you" he told me, causing a shiver to travel through my body. I'm not sure what he meant, but it didn't sound good.

I felt him lick my neck and moan slightly, and at that moment my bedroom door burst open. I cried out in relief, straining my neck to see my father, Phoenix and Robin standing in the doorway.

As soon as they saw the greater demon, their faces fell with shock and fear, though they closed their eyes and began chanting. I recognised the words of the banishment ritual I'd tried previously.

Above me, Rico frowned, his hold on me loosening. I didn't waste the opportunity, bringing my knee upwards sharply until it connected with flesh. The demon groaned a little, but instead of letting go of me he tightened his grip.

"I wouldn't try that again, or I'll just kill you and your family" he told me, his voice deathly quiet.

And then he was gone, and the chanting stopped. My family had managed to banish him, thank god, that was the most terrifying experience of my life.

But when I looked up, I saw my father, Robin and Phoenix slumped on the floor, Rico standing with his back to me. He turned around and smiled a sick, twisted smile.

"You're mine now, Storm. There's no one left to save you"
Rico's POV
The poor young warlock looked absolutely terrified, and rightfully so. I'm one of the first demons, a greater demon. I could kill him where he stands without even blinking.

"You're mine now, Storm" I said, stalking towards him. His small body was shaking slightly, and he was still trying to chant that stupid banishment ritual. Not that it would work even if he completed it, he's too weak.

When I was in front of him I grabbed his hands with my own, silencing his spell for a second time. Even though I knew it wouldn't work, I didn't want to take a chance. I'd finally been summoned into this world, and to top it off, I'd been summoned, though accidentally, by a cute young warlock boy.

He looked up at me, his soft grey eyes meeting my red ones. A defiant look was plastered on his face, though his eyes were scared. I can't wait to break him, to make him officially mine.

Digging my nails into his palm, I watched until he fell asleep, my venom making him drowsy. When he slumped forward, I picked him up, cradling his small body in my arms. Well, I guess he's average size for a warlock of his age but he's small in comparison to me.

I smirked to myself when he let out a quiet mewl and clung to me unconsciously, burying his face into my shirt. He looked so vulnerable, making me feel all the more powerful.

As we walked through the blackness that led to The Beyond, I let my aura loose, enveloping him, warning other supernaturals not to come any closer. That I didn't want to be disturbed right now.

I can't wait to get to my palace. Because there, this frail boy in my arms would become mine whether he liked it or not.

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