Day Fourty: NEW WORLD

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Donald Trump decided to start writing a septiplier fic, (OTP) but he didn't know if his followers would like it so he asked them to comment down below if they'd like to see it.
Donald Trump was very lonely, but suddenly he heard a crash!
"WHA THE FUCK WAS THAT!" He screamed and grabbed a Katana. He slowly walked to the room he thought he heard the crash at.
Jared, Pepe, and DAT BOI WAS THERE!!!
"OH NOSE" Pepe must of escaped from prison along with Dat Boi and convinced Jared to come kill him. He felt so betrayed by his toupee friend.
Jared sliced off Trump's head. Everyone cheered! The wall separating the Mexicans fell down, his fans were waken up from the trance he put them in. Everyone was free!
Finally after all these years, the Trump dumpers got their victory. Rest in memes Trump, rest in memes.
Jared became the new Wattys2016 winner, for he saved everyone, he treated everyone right and finally put closure in Trump's magical legacy on wattpad. He was finally happy.

Donald Trump Meets Wattpad [Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now