A day with Ash's characters

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"Oh, hello! Haven't expected to talk to you guys. It's me Ash..."

Jared: " It's me Jared"

Me:  "Any reason to interrupt me?"            

Jared: "What? Can't I talk to my fans?"

Renesmee: "Your fans?"
                    *Looks at readers*

 "Hi, guys!" *Sends flying kiss*
Jared: "You missed my pretty girls, Rene.  Don't be sad ladies when Jared is here"

 *Gives flying kisses*

 "And yes, my fans"

Renesmee: *scoffs*
                    "Don't be full of yourself"

Jared: " I'm not full, have yet to fill my stomach"

Renesmee: "It's a figure of speech loser"

Jared: "Get in your thick skull, readers love me"
Kevan walks in biting apple

Kevan: "Why bunch of stupids are gathered here?"

Renesmee: "Says the biggest jerk ever"

Kevan: "Sparkles, tell me what do you use for shaving. Your face is pretty clean"

*inspects closer*

Renesmee: "For Pete's sake, I'm a girl"

Kevan: "Give a proof"

Renesmee: "You fucking want my XX chromosomes' selfies?'

Alec takes a seat and sits on it

Alec:      "He wants to see you in bikini"          
Kevan:    "Alec, you're awesome bro"
Alec:       " I'm not your sugar brother"
Kevan:      *man tears*
Me:          "What's it you all want?"
Kevan:      "I want to talk to my male   

Renesmee:  *raises brow*

Jared:           "He's a woman in man's 

Me:                *chokes on drink*

Kevan:           "Hey!! I'm not a pervert woman into men's pants"

Renesmee:    "So you're admitting atleast
                         that you're a woman?"

Alec:             "Men are after his pants"

Gina joins in

Gina:    "Trust me, some thugs literally got  
              away with his pants"

Kevan:   "Good thing, I had my panties on        

Alec:             *spits drink*
Renesmee:  *Facepalm*
Jared :            "I've a pink one with a bow"

Me:                "I don't know them"

Jared:             "Gina has boxes for her"
Renesmee:     "Gigi, it's true?"
Gina:               "Briefs would be an

Confession time
Confession # 1

Kevan: "I got kicked out of the vampire diaries"

We all look at him in shock

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