I fucking got kissed by Human

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I was lying on my bed reading a horror novel. Everything was calming and dark.The black satin bed sheets, black and grey walls, from furniture and carpet to HD LCD and buffers. More importantly holy black curtains to keep the view of horrific daylight out and terrifying creatures; humans, who happened to lurk around and scared the children of neighbors. The other day, Nene, a cute little girl of Uncle Paul in our neighborhood, screamed at the top of her lungs when a scary human offered her a dead bleeding raven. Sweet blood forbid it, Nene was scared to death after seeing a punk Goth species of human and had been out for days. Poor soul, I felt sorry for her. I never knew an encounter with a human could be that horrific. Back to the novel I was reading, one of the scariest thing I had read. It's called "50 shades of Human". A family of Ghosts was living in peace when one of their daughter got abducted by a sadist Christian. Yes, she got possessed by a human who was a extreme psychotic case of bisexuality. The poor ghost, Sairi, got tortured by his dirty adventures of BDSM. But being trapped inside his body she suffered. It's tragic, the ghost couldn't survive his sadistic nature and ended up in mental hospital for years. Christian had brought an injury to her innocent mind. Indeed, humans are the terrifying creature on earth. I shuddered closing down the book. It sure was going to give me day-mares for weeks. I was thinking about my school when I heard a twig snapped outside. I got up from my bed walking straight to window. I pulled the drape aside and took a peek of outside while careful not to reveal myself.  Besides, it was evening and these strange  humans could be hovering around. I caught a sight of  someone sitting on a branch on its four. If it hadn't been for the clothes, I would have guessed a creepy foul creature out of  horror movie. Its golden hair with black low-lights were covering the face but electric blue eyes gave me creeps. I narrowed my eyes focusing on the  physique since human male species had adopted strange fashions from girls too. And it turned out, it was a girl. It had been more than weeks that I was seeing her around. The mere presence of her sent chill down to my spine and I pulled back from there. I knew I shouldn't tell my family. My granny would have a heartless attack with panic. And my mother would go into hysteria of depression. She has a habit of over exaggeration, she would inform my father in more twisted way leading upheaval in the entire covenant. And I don't want Twilight Saga breaking dawn 2 drama on my exams.

I stepped inside the bathroom and took a cold bone breezing shower. I stalked back inside my room with nothing but in towel hanging low around my pelvis and opened the wardrobe. I pulled on grey shirt and red hooded jacket. I checked my dark auburn hair few times and went downstairs. I found my family sitting in  dinning area having breakfast of 7 pm. It was classical room; red carpeted wooden floor, red and golden embroidered curtains draped on the walls with old portraits and burning candles on chandelier frame. My parents and grandparents were talking to uncle James and Aunt Roselle.  My sister Elle, black wavy haired youngling in her white Victorian gown, was playing with her voodoo doll. While li'l Jonnie, twin, was scuffing down the brothel as if there was no tomorrow. My elder brother, Alec was nowhere in sight. Must have been jerking off somewhere. And my fashionable cousin, Gina, she caught a pneumonia of makeup from humans. The red head once had been beauty but sworn to become beast with fake excessive face paints. I coughed to gain their attention and they noticed my presence beaming up at me.

"Have dusk fast dear"! I settled down next to Jonnie and my mother passed me slices of bread with scrambled eggs and poured me a red liquid. No, it wasn't blood, sorry for disappointment. I took a sip of it and it's sour taste made me gag.

"Red grape is good for making blood, Jared". Mother scolded me while keeping her sweet smile.
"What's with pastry on face?" I asked Gina who was continuously ruining her perfect thin lips with bold lipstick.

"Hey! That's what I saw on Facebook page of Kardashian girls". She replied that made my nana gasp.

"Sweet blood, girl you gone Cray?" Nana chided her.

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